missSimina profile picture



About Me

border="0"about me, huh? i go to sleep every night and wake up every morning to a map of the world. i am the pro tracking the novice led by the apprentice. i am constantly designing and revising a so-called great escape which i call EXISTENCE...nature's gangster? maybe. but a lady. always.
luckily i have learned that it's none of my business what people think or do... and often trying to figure it out is exhausting. i just want to learn the world. travel my entire life. make a change. make a difference. make friends for life. open my eyes and see the ocean. climb mountains and swim in waters no one knows. ride my motorbike to places you can't pronounce. make crazy money and help crazy people...i am highly combustible by nature.. and with that.. also fireproof.
sometimes i drive thru the world at 200 miles an hour, in which case i only tend to run over a lot of what makes it beautiful. and although there are many things in life that may catch my eye...only a few will catch my heart. i pursue those.
most of all, i want to be free...strong in my mind and body...WORD. ; )
...don't waste time...once it's gone you can never get it back...

My Interests

musik. traveling. making musik. traveling. and... traveling alone. ..always moving...never staying still... unless the ocean is close by. dancing on woofers in boxing boots. freestyle climbing buildings (ye, like spiderman)... reading. conspiracy theories. chillin under bridges. business. development. architecture. exploring. discovering. trekking. friends, family, strangers? (sometimes there's no difference)..oh, and, double vodka soda on the beach at night..3 ice cubes, no lime......


I'd like to meet:

...people that smile for no reason.

i'd also like to meet this dude.......


whatever's clever...................................................... ....................


Among many others: The Secret........ What the f*ck do we know?.......City of God. Ravenous. Carandiru. Fresh. The Maxx. The Usual Suspects. Boondock Saints. Kids. Ghost Dog. Scarface. The Last of the Mohicans. It's all gone Pete Tong. Conan the Barbarian. Pink Panther. The Rundown. Hook. Memento. Donnie Darko. Friday. Juice. Blood In Blood Out. The Never-Ending Story.......


TV kills both the mind and soul.. information is not relayed so that we learn, grow and prosper, rather, it is presented to us in a manipulative manner to induce a mediocre mentality across us all.. to the universe we are all the same.. but we are not robots by nature... and if we are to become robots, make sure you develop the right kind of mechanics... no more floating thru life...


The Epic of Gilgamesh. Filth. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Eating Alive. The Celestine Prophecy. Anything written by Jiddu Krishnamurti.......
