m@ profile picture


looking for; you.

About Me

my name isI am the founder of m@ clothing. I am a regular guy, but I want more out of life than most.
I am just as flawed as anyone.
I am not "cool" like everyone else.
I appreciate art, and enjoy creating it.
I like to think I am always right, but on occasion I am wrong.
I am stubborn at times, and sometimes hard hearted.
I believe that the greatest thing you will ever learn
is just to love and be loved in return.
I am persistent and rarely ever give up.
I live for moments, and I appreciate the small things.
I love my friends and my family and would die for them.
I want to make the world a better place.
I love to sing and pretend I am Ewan Mcgregor.
I get my greatest joy from helping people, but I am no Mother Theresa.
I am going to make a positive change in society before I die.
I believe there is a God who loves me and wants me to find joy.
I believe that God gives me the strength to rise up when I fall.
I don't believe that there are any impossible circumstances in life.
I am a complicated and simple person at the same time.
I travelled the country for a few years speaking to large audiences about life and God. I guess I was considered a "motivational speaker." My travels gave birth to m@ clothing as merchandise. Now I am focusing more on the design aspect and moving forward to create a small "indie" clothing line. When I created the "POOP" shirts they were instantly popular. They have been sold in over forty states, to people of all shapes and sizes. I have talked to some clothing stores and surf shops about carrying the "POOP" line, so we'll where that goes. I want more than just myspace friends and a successful Indie clothing line. I want friends who want to be involved and get to know me as well as sport the new designs. Lets be friends.

My Interests

I am interested in lots of things like;
why the sky is blue?
why are no two snow flakes are the same?
was Judas any worse than I am?
what do you wear under a toga?
are people inherently evil?
were mondays designed to be bad days?
why are foreign accents so cool?
what are mcdonalds burgers really made of?
how can there be so much beauty in the world yet people still give up?
If you care about the answers to those questions, I am interested in you.

I'd like to meet:

matthew would like to meet people who are:understanding and patient.
funny and entertaining.
willing to make a fool of themselves.
spontaneous and random.
fascinating and complex.
interested in the arts.
real, and open.
nice, and honest.
self sacrificing.
well groomed, with nice teeth :]
more concerned with others well being than their own.
believers in love.
matthew will pass on meeting: whores.
people that think I am annoying.
people who have 15,000 friends. people who like to play drama games.
people who take glamour shots at "skinny" angles.
drama queens.
Liars, and gossips.
Paris Hilton.
people who post pictures that say "I'm so ugly."
those who think they are "a big deal."
self righteous tyrants.
people that are selfish.
people who tear others down to make their own insignificance fade away for a brief moment.
I'm not a jerk- but I am.


some of my fav. bands
The Academy Is
Dangerous Muse
The All American Rejects
Andre Bocelli
Archie Star
The Beach Boys
Ben Folds
The Blood Violets
Bright Eyes
City and Colour
Daphne Loves Derbey
Dangerous Muse
The Darkness
Dashboard Confessional
Days Away
Death Cab For Cutie
The Early November
Elton John
The Format
GooGoo Dolls
Imogen Heap
Jason Morant
Jimmy Eat World
Josh Groban
Kids in the way
Matt Costa
Moulin Rouge
Phantom of the Opera
Phil Wickham
Plain White T's
The Postal Service
Remember Maine
The Rocket Summer
Secondhand Serenade
Snow Patrol
Sufjan Stevens
Something Corporate
The Spill Canvas
The Format
The Starting Line


Just Friends
The Count of Monte Cristo
Four Feathers
Thank you for smoking
Pride and Prejudice
Donnie Darko
Little Miss Sunshine
Moulin Rouge
Phantom of the Opera
Tristan and Isolde
Batman Begins
Mean Girls
Finding Nemo
The Scary Movie Trilogy
Grandmas Boy


I don't watch much T.V. but I do enjoy:
Will and Grace
Arrested Development


some good books
The Sins of Scripture
When Bad Christians happen to good people.
The Perks of being a Wallflower
The Lord of the flies
The Bible
The DaVinci Code (which is fiction)
The Screwtape letters
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) wow you scrolled down
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Real People are my heroes

My Blog


SIZING:A lot of people have questions about how large the shirts are. All of the shirts are men's sizes, and are 50/50. They are all pre shrunk, so they wont shrink much. Small- X-Large are self ex...
Posted by m@ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:21:00 PST


Hey everyone we are having a Christmas Sale!Here is the current inventory as of 12/11/2006Some sizes and colors are very limited so order quickly to get the size you want.Hats: ONLY 4!Wristbands: ONL...
Posted by m@ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:17:00 PST