Media Producer, Composer, Performer, DJ.
b.1961 in Lithuania, works and lives in Moscow now
Next event - Theatrical Performance "Taburetka" - 02-03.12.2008 - NET Festival - Fabrika - Moscow (Premiere!!!)
BIO you..ll find in the Blog section
Benzo – The Statement
Benzo – it comes from “benzin” what means petrol in Russian language. This tittle for the project I choose in a case to set a point into the native ambiance of Moscow, where I live: there were and there is a lot of exhaust fumes around and the people are involved in a metabolism processes of a oil destruction cycle.
After a long stay in Switzerland I was back in Moscow in 1998 and have rediscovered the power and the beauty of SSSR analog electronic equipment. That was the point where the Benzo starts: to tell the stories about “what happens around” in the way of Soundart – using the native electronic devices.
Now I have a big enough collection of an old soviet synthesizers and stomp boxes to work with it for Benzo and I'm also interested to take a part in a creation of new and unusually performance devices and work together with a like minded electronic engineers in Moscow.
Benzo activities are – to keep the ears open to check, what happens in the world of sounds, to produce tracks, albums and media events.
As Richardas Norvila I work also as an audio style designer for brands,play DJ Sets, produce theatrical and film scores, and keep running a private practice as psychotherapist.
That is a general statement – Ill put more details in the bloggs!
Heartly thanx to wisiting me here and respect to all sound lovers around!