Meg profile picture


I hate Juvenile Diabetes! Be a hero, find a cure!

About Me

Please visit my walk page at JDRF, age&confirmid=86674784
I have been diabetic since I was 10 years old.. I hate it. I will be walking in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes again on September 29, 2007!!! BE A HERO..... FIND A CURE...
I am 25(eh) years old and live in Cincinnati, Ohio and always have. Cincinnati sucks other than being the home of the Bengals. It seems like I am stuck here. I am a juvenile diabetic and have been since I was 10 years old.(WALK TO CURE DIABETES) Now I wear an insulin pump and it helps but it is not a cure. I have joined a lot of mommy groups, SBS groups and diabetes groups on cafemom and myspace and I love it. I also help with the MISSING MIRANDA page, (listed below) I hope to have all of my friends add her page to their lists too!!! I would have never thought about non custodial parents rights or fathers rights if I didn't meet my husband Adam. I think this is a good cause and I want to help make it better. With all of the support I can be the one to make this happen!
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I lost my Gpa on 5/10/04 and it was the worst day of my life. He was my hero, my teacher and my father. You never get over losing someone, you just have to live with the hurt but I have not figured out how to do that yet. It has brought be down so far and I am not sure how far it is going to take me or how far I can even go before I totally crash. Maybe someday I will learn to live with it. I am not sure.
I love mudding, 4 wheeling, camping, hiking, swimming, tree climbing(yes I said tree climbing) and anything outdoors! That is the main difference that my husband and I have.. I have a son named Ryan, daughter named Molly and step daughter named Miranda. I am in love with Larry the Cable Guy and love all of the guys from the Blue Collar tv show! I've been married for over 3 years to Adam.

People that run their lives on being skinny drive me crazy. I hate Paris Hilton and dumb women like her. I watched her show and the only thing that comes out of her hooker mouth is "thats hot" WTF? Shes a dumbass. Grow a brain chica.. Then get a real job where you actually have to WORK. And I hate people that lie, hide things and cheat.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage"
Please visit the Missing Miranda page- MIRANDA
M Masculine
E Excellent
G Great
H Huge
A Astounding
N Naive
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My Interests

Chasing after my 2 little ones Ryan and Molly.. lol sometimes but really.. I also have a step daughter that we haven't seen for 2 yrs.. Hopefully that will change in the future. Her name is Miranda. Please go to

I love Swimming, Scrapbooking, taking pictures of everything I can, animals, 4 wheeling, writing, reading, dancing, camping, hiking, cooking(sometimes) and someday I hope to learn to surf!!! I also volunteer for JDRF(Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) so step up and help us find a cure! (My team name is 'Smokey Joe's Bandits') Please learn about Stem Cell Research before you make an opinion on it! It is so important to so many people! Be knowledgable!! It can save lives!!

I'd like to meet:

Angelina Jolie, John Travolta, TY from Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Dr. Phil or Oprah, and last but not least My Grandpa again so I can say goodbye.... NEVER FORGET TO TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM AND HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU!!!! You never know when it will be too late...

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Too many to list but a few: Cranberries, Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, Alan Jackson, Faith Hill, Bob Seger, DC Talk, Bruce Springsteen, The Dixie Chicks, Haystak, Nappy Roots, and the best cd ever is SITTIN FAT DOWN SOUTH!!!!

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Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are Soulmates
Your meeting was by Fate
He/She is your Protector
You are his/her Sweetheart
Your love will Be the envy of the world


Ice Age I and II, Seven, Sweet Home Alabama, Saw I and II, Failure to Launch, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Any of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour Movies.. (Oh yea, Larry the Cable Guy is my man) :)

MySpace Layouts


Scrubs, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Next, Exposed, Dr. Phil, Sometimes Oprah, Supernatural.
Create your own Friend Quiz here

Scrubs, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Blue Collar TV...


Anything by James Patterson... once in a while you might catch me with one of Oprah's picks..

Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Tammy Lee Western Hillbilly Name Generator


myspace backgrounds

Your results:
You are Catwoman Catwoman 60% Hulk 55% Superman 50% Green Lantern 45% Supergirl 40% Spider-Man 35% Batman 35% Wonder Woman 35% Robin 30% The Flash 30% Iron Man 5% You have had a tough childhood,
you know how to be a thief and exploit others
but you stand up for society's cast-offs.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


My Grandparents.. Joe(Gramps) and Charlotte.... We miss you gramps.. (01/28/28-05/10/04)
Ahh, You'll love this one! (100 ?'s)
::Full Name::: Meghan Elizabeth Schooler
::Nicknames::: Meg
::Age::: 24
::Gender::: Female
::Where You Live::: Cincinnati
::Sexual Orientation::: Straight
::Single/Happy with it::: Married
::Siblings::: 1 brother
::Pets::: Chin named Scrat and a lot of fish..
::Screen name::: Skissime
::Hair Color::: Brown/Blonde
::Hair length::: Medium.. not too long not too short?
::Eye Color::: Blue..
::Height::: 5'5"
::Piercings::: tongue, ears
::Tattoos::: yes 1 on shoulder
::Shoe Size::: 8
::Jeans Size::: depends on brand but shieet none of your bidness anyway
::Make-Up::: sometimes
::Dye Your Hair::: yes
::Food::: salad, italian and indian
::Drink::: iced tea..
::Color::: blue and pink
::Store::: Target, Hallmark, Bookstores:)
::Movie::: too many to list.. but damn i LOVE Dirty Dancing..cant help myself:)
::Kind Of Alcohol::: tequila
::Ice Cream Flavor::: depends on mood
::Book::: anything by James Patterson
::Season::: Summer or Spring
::Video Game::: Mario
::Smoked a cigarette::: yes
::Done Any Drugs::: yes
::Gotton Drunk::: yes
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: yes
::Bonged A Beer::: no
::Had Sex::: yes
::Kissed Same Sex::: I am not a lesbian ok
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: same answer
::Eaten Sushi::: no
::Broken A Bone::: no
::Like Your Handwriting::: yes
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: yes, biting my nails
::Hate Yourself::: sometimes
::Shy::: yes
::Tolerant Of Others::: yes
::Aggressive Or Passive::: both
::Have A Journal::: yes
::Emotionally Strong::: yes sometimes
::Read The News Paper::: yes
::Confident::: yes sometimes
::Is There A God::: i donno
::Does He Have A Gender::: i donno
::Do Ghosts Exists::: maybe
::What About Witches::: maybe.. or wanna be ones
::Miracles::: yes
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: if its needed, its needed. get over it. none of your business..not your choice.
::Premarital Sex::: its up to person
::Life On Other Planets::: yes
::Porn::: doesnt bother me
::Cosmetic Surgery::: wish i had the money to get it
Label: CAN YOU
::Sing Well::: in the shower
::Play An Instrument::: yes, violin
::Write Well::: yes
::Skateboard::: no
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: hell yea
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: no
::Snow Board::: no
::Juggle::: no
::Do A Split::: no
::Draw::: stick people
::Plan On Marriage::: already am
:: Kids::: already have them, no more
::And Their Names::: Molly and Ryan
::Occupation::: healthcare
::Where You Want To Live::: down south
::Big Or Small House::: doesnt matter as long as it is safe and not dirty
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: maybe
::Long Driveway Or Short::: long hopefully
::Income::: please be over 50k:)
::Cars::: have one now.. might keep it..:) i like my rodeo
::Wal-mart/Target::: what about it? both ok
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: both ok
::Night/Day::: both ok
::McDonalds/Burger King::: i like them both damnit
::Cats/Dogs::: both
::Fruits/Veggies::: both
::Pillows/Blankets::: what about them? we all need them
::Pepsi/Coke::: like both
::Alcohol/Weed::: doesnt bother me at all
::Reading/Writing::: i like both.. both relaxing
::Biggest Fear::: dying
::Compliment You Get Often::: butt
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: i want bigger boobs damnit
::Regrets::: dont want to talk about it.. trusting people i guess
::Gotten Arrested::: yes
::Are You Ticklish::: yes
::Longest Relationship::: 3 yrs
::Regrets::: quit asking
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: some
::What color Is Your Room::: white/gray
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Which Super Hero Are You?

You are the most popular super hero; your vigor is extremely appreciated and rewarded. Despite your supernatural abilities, you are grounded. Your peers accept that you are different from them and often designate you as their leader. You love being active and challenging yourself. You have a clear sense of what is right and wrong, and as a result are unfazed by new people and unfamiliar places.
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My Blog

DC Rally and Straw Poll info...

DC Rally and Straw Poll info, please repost Body: Due Process Patriots!!If you live EAST of the RED LINE on this map, you should attend the DC Rally on Aug 18th:
Posted by Meg on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 10:11:00 PST

Rally for Justice..

There is a rally for Father's Rights in Mason Ohio on Aug 25th 11a-1p F4J IS COMING TO THE COUNTIES of SOUTH WEST OHIO! Cincinnati Judges BEWARE!!! Warren County Park & Ride Across from 12184 Maso...
Posted by Meg on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 06:12:00 PST


Do you believe in falling in love? In finding that "special someone" who is your other half, your soulmate? Do you dream of finding the one person in all the world who will understand you, love you an...
Posted by Meg on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:12:00 PST

10 Fatal traps you must avoid to maintain a harmonious and healthy relationship...

1. « Making a mountain out of a molehill » Do you want to live in peace with your beloved? Then, first, control yourself. Loosing your temper, showing constant anger, or shouting for pointless reasons...
Posted by Meg on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:11:00 PST

Check out this video: A Father Choice

Check out this video: A Father Choice<
Posted by Meg on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:25:00 PST

Court for Miranda...

Court for Miranda is coming up next week.. I know not all of you know about her page but it is I am kind of scared about it. Not sure if her mom is going to be there or n...
Posted by Meg on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:21:00 PST

My current diabetes goal....

I now have a goal.. I want to try to get an Omnipod so that I don't have to use my insulin pump. When you wear an insulin pump it is attached to you by a tubing and it is a pain in the butt.. Always f...
Posted by Meg on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:25:00 PST

SBS Info. NEVER SHAKE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SBS occurs when a frustrated caregiver loses control and violently shakes a young child, causing permanent brain damage or death. The outcomes for survivors often include cerebral palsy, blindness, de...
Posted by Meg on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:20:00 PST

I can't stand fake people!

I am so sick and tired of fake people on MySpace. It drives me nuts! Why make fake friends? Why waste your time trying to look good for other people? I just don't get it. Do something good for the wor...
Posted by Meg on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST

Stupid court..

We received notice from the court that the papers couldn't be delivered to Miranda's mom. We dont know where else to send them! The court won't even try to find her. They did tell me that they will st...
Posted by Meg on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:30:00 PST