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WHATS GOIN ON!!!!!!!!!------ SURFIN WIZE----I HAVE JUST WON THE BRITISH PLASTIC SURF KAYAKING -----CHAMPIONSHIPS------AND OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS HAVE GOT------HP SERIES FINALS (1ST EVER PRIZE MONEY EVENT IN SURF----- KAYAKING HISTORY TO BE HELD IN THE NEWQUAY AREA ON 6TH/7TH OCT...------THEN I'M OFF TO MUNDAKA TO DEFEND MY WORLD CHAMPION TITLE AND HOPFULLY CAPTAIN THE ENGLISH TEAM TO VICTORY...------MEAN WHILE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY LIFE !!!!-------I WILL BE PLAYING AT THE FOLLOWING GIGS...-------SEPT 28TH DNB SET AT CODE RED ,RED SQUARE ,NEWQUAY-------SEPT 29TH BREAKS AND OLDSKOOL SET AT THE ANIMAL CUP SURF COMP AFTER PARTY AT THE CHY BAR NEWQUAY-----------OCT 5TH DNB RED SQUARE--------------OCT 6TH THE CHY BAR-----------------OCT 12TH @ RANDOM CONCEPT AT BRISTOL ACADEMY--------OCT 13TH SUPPORTING SHY FX AT CLUB 2K PENZANCE----------------NOV 2ND RED SQUARE----------- NOV 9TH RED SQUARE AND L2 TRURO WITH SHIMON--------------6TH RED SQUARE--------------- 13H STREETWISE XMAS PARTY IN LONDON----------- 15H UNDER 18'S DNB EVENT TBC CORNWALL------------- WATCH THIS SPACE FOR EVENTS TBC INC-----------------------------------NYE DNB SPECIAL-----------------------SW DNB AWARDS IN JAN WITH LINE UP SO FAR ,DJS HAZARD,CLIPS,THE MIGHTY TC,NICKY BLACKMARKET PLUS MORE TBC------------------------ALL BOOKING CALL ME ON 07966 438644------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------It all started back in 1989 in Wellingborough norththants at the age of 19 when he started going to Milwaukee's, Bedfordshire E.S.P events on Fridays and then going into Northampton 's Spin a disk record shop the next day and buying the tracks heard the night before. As his record collection grew so did the desire to play them out. So mixing with one turntable and one tape deck he started making cassettes for mates and also playing a few parties for friends locally. After moving to Cornwall (searching for the surfing life) he continued buying records mail order from 5 HQ Leicester. After living in Cornwall and Wellingborough 6 months on 6 months off he decided to finally settle in Newquay permantly, and with the lack of events there he started promoting with the vision to bring the big names to Cornwall. To Book Mastervibe :Call 07976 383120Prices from : £150 plus travel expenses. 1991 was the first major turn when he managed to get hold of Cornwall's best underground venue THE SHIRE HORSE (now sadly deceased) under the promotion name PROGRESSION there he spent years making a name for the club and himself bringing down dj's such as SWAN-E, LTJ BUKEM, MC RIBBZ, SIMON BASSLINE SMITH, CLARKEE, LOFTGROOVER, HMS etc etc. Whilst promoting else where in Cornwall venues included TALL TREES CLUB and BERTIES NIGHT CLUB in Newquay. Also bringing big names such as RAY KEITH, GROOVERIDER, BRIAN G, SY, CARL COX, EASYGROOVE, TOP BUZZ (the list goes on) for their exclusive plays in Cornwall. He continued promoting through the 90's at the same time owning a pirate radio call Panic FM located in his flat and having guests such as top buzz playing Whilst busy promoting these events he was also busy promoting his own djing career playing all the warm up sets to his guests which by all accounts held him under pressure (waiting for the punters and the when it's busy waiting for the guest dj especially stressful when most djs are driving from London area never before playing this far southwest (and often being late.)During this time he met Murray Beatson (Dreamscape) on holiday with a friend, staying on the campsite where mastervibe was working (strange things happen) and after a few phone calls and some surfing lessons with Murray a great friendship was formed. Mastervibe first played for Dreamscape at the Plymouth's infamous Warehouse at Dreamscape 9 were Murray seemed to put him to test by letting him in the back room playing techno b2b with Clarkee. This involved going out and buying shed loads of techno as he had never played or bought it before. But who would turn down the chance to play at a Dreamscape. The next event he was dropped in at the deep end, Dreamscape 10, he played the main arena, and then had to go up to the second arena to play after Peshay, not bad for his second BIG gig. After this event he also started off a great friendship with Clarkee who ended up playing for him in Cornwall at many of his parties and together started his music, releasing tracks on Clarkees label AREA 51 RECORDINGS were Mastervibe proved a great success with his drum and bass, hard techno amalgamation.Since Dreamscape 9 he has played Drum and Bass at every Dreamscape up to 30 and promoted many Dreamscape events throughout the southwest with Murray up until his untimely departure from this world. Mastervibe has continued to play for most of the countries top promoters (and some of the more dodgy ones) travelling many miles every weekend. In the mid 90's he stopped promoting at the now legendary SHIRE HORSE in Cornwall this is mainly due to the techno heads taking over (they threw cans and bottles at us for playing drum & bass. NICE) and continued concentrating on his djing and his production careers.In 1998 a new club in Newquay called the Koola opened, it's a small personal club split on 3 levels but was not having a much success (originally designed for Bands) was his next involvement, Since starting promoting a Drum & Bass on a Monday night through Newquay's summer season then, he has go on to promote every summer with d&b dj's including SWAN-E, GROOVERIDER, LTJ BUKEM who make an appearance every year. Every dj has commented on the amazing atmosphere and has asked to return time and time again including GOLDIE, FABIO, JACK FROST and all of the above. 2002 saw him promoting twice a week one being his regular Monday night and the new jungle night OLD SKOOL D&B on a Wednesday. He continues to promote currently CHOOSING his line-up for summer 2003 and is working hard creating Drum and Bass in the studio (see discography). "The best thing about playing these summer events is that it's not just a local crowd they are from all over the country on holiday and this make it very unique".RESIDENT DJ PAST AND present:DREAMSCAPE / DANCE PARADISE / DANCE PLANET / PANDEMONIUM / DEVOTION LEGENDS OF THE DARK BLACK / DEFINITION / EXKLUSIVEDarren can been seen along side the likes of ltj bukem, Fabio & Grooverider, Goldie E-Z Rollers,Nicky Black-Market,Kenny Ken( the list goes on) when ever they are in the south west.