El Zoom va obrir les seves portes per 1ª vegada la primavera del 1998
amb el proposit d'oferir un concepte d'oci nocturn alternatiu, basat fonamentalment en la música de qualitat, un suggerent entorn visual
i el clima familiar que tan ens caracteritza.. Nit rera nit, any rera any,
el nostre "petit gran club" ha evolucionat fins convertir-se en un referent
de culte dins l'escena de música electrònica de Catalunya.
L'equip del Zoom us dóna les grà cies a tothom que fa que això sigui
possible!! Una sincera abraçada, amics!!
Us hi esperem!!
Obert fins les 05:00, Divendres, Dissabtes, Diumenges i Vigilies de festius.
Zoom Club opened its doors for the first time the spring of 1998, for the purpose of offering a concept of alternative nocturnal leisure, it based fundamentally in the music of quality, a suggestive visual environment and
the family climate that so much characterizes us. Night after night and year after year, ours "small great club" has evolved to becoming a referring one
of worship in the electronic scene in Catalonia. The team of the Zoom Club gives the thanks to all the people that does that this be possible.
A sincere hug. We waiting you. Open of 23:30 to 05:00, Friday, Saturdays, Sundays and eves of festive. Entrance free.****************************Zoom Club, c/ Ponent 30 , Lloret de Mar, Girona, Catalunya.
Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com
VIDEO INTSTALLATION TAURUS PARTY 2007/05/5-6*************************************************