♥ Mei~ profile picture

♥ Mei~

Friends are like wedgies...it feels great when you pick out a good one!

About Me

... ~ I'm not your typical Taiwanese girl. I'm frequently commented that I'm "the nicest person" ...sometimes too nice and sometimes TOO patient. ~ ::Laid Back:: ~ ::A little nutty and a little silly sometimes:: ~ ::Mostly quiet and observant:: ~ ((I'm an Aries)) ~ I LOVE being around cars and car enthusiasts. YOU can tell I'm having a good time when my hands are dirty and greased up. But when it's time to be with the girls, I still enjoy getting dressed up and doing the girlie girl things ^_^... Mani&Peti, shoppin', massage/spas...
I try my best to live drama free... which means being picky about the people that I choose to chill with. I have a low tolerance for inconsiderate people ::which includes those who cheat on their significant others....:: ::those who have nothing better to do than gossip and talk crap::
Some say I've changed A LOT this past year. Whether it be for the better or worse, I can't say, but I can definately say that I'm lovin life and all the new experiences that have come my way.
I'm extremely greatful for all the people I have in my life, especially my handful of tight-knit friends. They've managed to keep my head screwed on straight throughout the years, being there for me during the highs and lows in my life, and building me up. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm definitely NOT here to meet creepy guys or find love on myspace, so if you're one of them, don't bother wasting your time messaging me or adding me as a friend.

I'm definitely open to meeting just about anyone who's
FUN,... Energetic,
.....Outgoing, ...........Spontaneous,
...Wacky,.... Funny, .....Unpredictable
and defintely NO FAKERS or FLAKERS.......
::Inconsiderate people annoy the s*#@ out of me and make me sad::

My Blog

Dunlop drift event @ Alameda County Fairgrounds & Sam Boyd Stadium

It's been a lot of fun tagging along on these drift events and meeting a whole bunch of new peeps.  Watching the drivers hustle to prep their cars for the next round, and helping each other out w...
Posted by ♥ Mei~ on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 01:17:00 PST

Vegas Bachelorette Party

Here's a sneak peak at wut went down at Queenie's Bachelorette Party in Vegas.  GOOD CLEAN FUN!Bachelorette Party Pix...
Posted by ♥ Mei~ on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:28:00 PST

Louis's 28th Bday in K-Town

Click Here to check out pictures from Saturday night in K-Town's AAAA...
Posted by ♥ Mei~ on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:13:00 PST

Labor Day 2006 in Oxnard State Beach

Click Here for pictures of the Labor Day Camping tripENJOY!!...
Posted by ♥ Mei~ on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:04:00 PST

PINK's in Hollywood

This was my first time going to Pinks and lemme tell you...my Poli-FatJuicy dog tasted MmmmMMmm GOOD Girls in line getting ready to grub...Nick's ready for his hot diggity-dog too...Prepare for the...
Posted by ♥ Mei~ on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 06:20:00 PST