BIG NEWS! - Plastic Farm to be published by Ambrosia.
Read the full press release here.
What this means for you. Well, you'll be able to read ALL of Plastic Farm online beginning in October of 2007. And, you'll be able to purchase collected editions (and new stuff) beginning early in 2008. Hooray!
Written, and most of the time drawn by Rafer Roberts, Plastic Farm follows the life of a man named Chester and his slow descent into complete insanity, and chronicles how that madness reshapes the world around him. Chester has had a rough childhood, has a magic cowboy that rides a dinosaur living inside of his head, and is now, late in life, sitting in a nameless airport bar during a blizzard telling his life story to a group of people who really couldn't care less.The first story arc "Sowing Seeds on Fertile Soil" encompasses the first twelve issues, and introduces nearly every major character that will appear in this projected 50 issue series.
Click here to read a 21 page preview of the next Plastic Farm book.
There will be three major arcs in Plastic Farm, two in-between issues, a prologue and an epilogue. The second story arc begins in issue fourteen and is entitled "Seasons of Growth in the Fields of Despair". Issue thirteen is one of those in-between issues I mentioned before and will be about 120 pages. (You can preview the first 21 pages of that upcoming book by clicking on the image above.
Visit the Official Website by clicking on the words "Official Website".