*** NeskaBaby!! *** profile picture

*** NeskaBaby!! ***

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

tennaya layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.comWell, I was born in the north of Spain, but I don't think I'm from one specific country.. I was traveling pretty much, specially inside Europe, I din't live with my family since I was 12 and.. well that made me become quite independet! At 12 I went to Danmark, I was living there untill 16 with friends for study. Betwen that I traveled around Europe. When I was 16 I went back to the center of Spain, Madrid, I worked teaching English, baby sitting, waitress, I was at a music group, secretary, clothes shop, and finally at de HELLO Magazine. Then I got "in loved" and went to live with my bofriend to the noth of Spain. We builded a small kind of bussiness (cafeteria with computers and music) in Buenos Aires, Argentina... just came back from there, and here I am again, exacly were I born, BILBAO... planning to go to Venezuela soon (July) I Love Art, I love it, specialy fotography, I do photo sessions to all my friend, all kind of wierd and crazy photos. I love music, writing, painting.. all that has to do with art. I LIVE for the rock music, hevy and alternative, electronic(not all, just "Linking Park" kind of), also listen to some other kinds but they the all very aisolated songs. I like getting to know other cultures, religion, opinions, ideas and ways to think. Getting to know people diferent to me and to the comon way to be. I like doing crazy thing like: **from one day to the other, at night say "goodby" to everything (my job, my people) and next morning travel from Sapain to America. (jeje.. guys from Spain, you know how I am.. but I still miss you so much, you kick asses). ** Or wake up one day and decide I'm gonna get a tatoo some were and just get it. **Or feel like painting.. and sit on the street and draw what I like. ** Or one day I just feel like having party and spend my whole day partying, discos and dancing.. In the other side, I love kids, animals, peace, long talks, I'm spontaneus, maybe wierd or crazy, (and a little secret: I'm normally very undertanding but if you bother me and I get mad I get I bit psichotic.. oopps)Well, AND THAT'S ME AND MY LITTLE WORLD!! You welcome to visit me, GLAD TO MEET YOU!

My Interests

Art, religion, rock, dancing, other coutries, other religions, cultures, books, ROCKKKK, scary movies, thetre, POESY, Piercings, tattoos..

I'd like to meet:

Artists, rock funns, travelers, people who don't have any one to talk to, teens, nice people, big people, wiered ones, animals.. I'd like to know anyone or anything that don't like war or killing, or doning nothing in their lifes.. you know.


mmm... Link park (IDOLS), paparoah (IDOLS), nicke back, three doors down, aero smith, bjork, bob marley, cold play, creed, dos hermanos, elthon john (some songs), good charlotte, Evanescence, Frou frou, H.I.M. (IDOLS), heroes del silencio, hoobastank, james blunt, jhon lennon, jon von jovi, la fuga, la ley, leyenda hurbana, limp bizkit, maroon 5 (one song jaja), nirvana, orishas, red hot chilli pepers, rem, santa flow, santana, sistem of a down, simple plan, the calling, the cramberries, the darkness, the doors, the flash and the pan, U2, heroes del silencio...


.. uff!: El bosque(The village), collateral, La cara del Horror (May), Psicosis, El Ultimo Escalon(STIR OF ECHOES), los otros (the others), Los nios del trigo,El Plan Oculto(Inside man), El Espinazo del Diablo,A Los Trece(Thirteen),Inocencia Interrumpida (Girl, interrupted), Sreck,Scarlatta,, Pesadilla antes de Navidad(Nightmer before crhistmas),la novia cadaver(Corpse Bride), piratas del caribe (caribean pirots), 8mile,the ring, Saw,Stigmata


MTV, movie chanel


writter: Tim Burton!!! and some others like, Robert Kiyosaki and Stephen King


Chester Bennington(LP), Mike Shinoda(LP), Brad Delson(LP), David Michael Farrell(LP), Joseph Hahn(LP), Robert Gregory Bourdon(LP), Ville Valo(H.I.M.), ghandi, hare krishna, Jesus crist,COBY DICK!!and all the others guys from papa roach,Kurt Cobain (NIrvana), Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, L.Ron Hubbard too..