Hasn't had a real haircut since 1999.
Plays in rock bands.
Knows HTML.
Is careful with capital letters.
Doesn't have a middle name.
Hates pictures of himself.
Used to be far better at returning email.
Like's the fit of clothes from the 70's.
Hates shopping for clothes.
Goes to the mailbox at least once a day.
Is cross platform.
Is neurotic and knows it.
Can quit but doesn't want to.
Drinks strong coffee.
Doesn't take sugar.
Sleeps at least 'til 10.
Drives a white van.
Was mad they didn't have it in black.
Used to be a whiz at the yoyo.
Has never played Texas Hold 'Em.
But has played in Texas.
Mostly eats Asian and Mexican.
Started on the Bourbon.
Moved on to the Scotch.
Currently on the Irish.
Was an extra in Boogie Nights.
Until the scene got cut.
Likes girls in rhythm sections.
Hates going on dates.
Needs to sleep in the dark.
Likes the television.
Never finished the novel.
Wants more acting roles.
Doesn't really know how to act.
Has a phobia of lotions.
Wishes you wouldn't flatter.
Wishes you wouldn't tease.
Isn't as cool.
Think FAQ's are great.
Is running out of things to say.
Wants a girl that's funny.
Wants a box of crayons.
Wants to play more bass.
Wishes he had air conditioning.
Can type without looking but cheats.
Needs to update websites.
Too cool for school.