music in general and music specifically. design-y things. robots! naps. crosswords. ninjas. poker, blackjack, any kind of gambling really. vincent gallo. argyle. sharks! extra crispy bacon and whiskey on the rocks, together and independently. warm coats. pirates! electric heat. mo rocca. laughing til it hurts. obscenities and curses. readheads. sweater vests. saturday nights. boys in ascots. falling asleep to old 'low' records. the kennedy family. avocados. screen printing. biographies and documentaries. scrabble. colin meloy. classic cars are kinda hot. ultra-fine point sharpies. lowercase letters. carbohydrates. diet coke is really important to me. ping pong. guilty pleasures. dr mario. breakfast at veras. breakdance. temperatures below 70 degrees. shirts with collars. gameshows. paper. independent film. galaga. cherries. cute wallets. colors. old records and dusty vinyl. white space. bad teen dramas. the ballard mafia. words. percussion. pomegranates. stripes. the nyc subway. long sleeves and jackets. the smell of white out. pictures and polaroids. vintage action figures. typography. debating the value of taco time vs. taco bell and defining under which circumstances one is more satisfying than the other. ellipses...
special agent dale cooper.
fellow heads of organized crime families.
pirates and robots.
particularly indie pop, hardcore punk rock, and the old school hip hop. and sometimes things that are dark and creepy, a lot of times things that are twangy, and mostly things that are arty.
i can sit through pretty much anything. the only thing i can't stand is that medieval bullshit. if there are knights or sorcerers, people in capes or cloaks drinking out of goblets or chalises, magic spells or potions, hybrid animals, or any of that other lame shit i will not watch it.
shows about sharks eating people or creatures of the sea or both. barbeque university with steven reichlen. dramas that showcase the plight of wealthy and attractive teenagers. shows in which autopsies are performed. explorations of string theory. days of our lives.
books about substanative things, but sometimes books about really trivial and inconsequential things. also biographies, pretentious literature, and occasionally essays, blogs, editorials, and such. i also really like pretty design magazines and, against my better judgment, have a weakness for trashy gossip columns.
"parker lewis can't lose" because, well, he couldn't lose. lita ford. the hamburgler. people with the ability and discipline to practice fiscal responsibility.