Music, Traveling, Arts, Cooking, Fine Living, Wine Country, Entertaining, Hospitality, iphone, Sunset Magazine, Dive bars, Golf, Fabric, Canvas, Winter Vodka - Summer Rum, Friends, Enemies, Layovers, Languages, Lovers, Electric Lounges, Warm Climates, Margarita Machines, Tan Lines, Obscure locations, Stadiums, Truth, Strength, Courage, Loyalty, Vulnerability, Tree Houses, Ocean, Kindness, Passion, Potencial, Preformance, Practicality, Nonsense, Jazz, Blue Note, Sounds, Tension, Climate Control, Forward Motion, Hip Hop, Time Shares, Nuns, Guns, Peace, Chocolate, Biodiesel, BBQ, Beeswax, Butterflies, Hair products, Sun screen, designated drivers, vacations...
There are people that I have known for a long time, and then there are people I have known longer than that.
you know i never give away the ending.
Amelie, Hero, Life Aquatic, Seven Years in Tibet, Snatch, and so many more
People have time to watch television?
"So weary with disasters, tugg’d with fortune, That I would set my life on any chance, To mend it, or be rid on ’t."
I don't want to write them all down.