♥Bebe♥ profile picture


song is deticated to Oliver

About Me

The Life of The Forgotten One
By: Bebe
My name is Bebe I was born in Romania, then at age three I was adopted by my adopted mom. I want you to know that I love my mom very much, and she is my role model. I want to be strong like her and I want to be successful and caring like her. I am grateful that she adopted me and she means everything to me, she is my world and my life. With out my mom I would not be the person I am today, she made me from a baby into a lady. She is my best friend.
Most people think I am weird and I have way too much energy. However I believe that is a good thing. I consider myself a caring person because I always want to help others with their problems, but sometimes it gets in the way with my schooling and that doesn’t help me. I know the way I act impacts the people around me so I have to be careful of what I say or do. If I am in a bad mood and I am catty and snap at everyone then the people around me are going to be the same way because they are frustrated with my behavior. On the other hand if I am happy and bubbly then everyone around me will also be happy and bubbly. So I base my life on the latter, I like to look at life through rose-rimmed glasses.
What really frustrate me are negative people, they always have negative things to say and it seems as if they never have anything positive to say. I find it difficult for me to be around people like that because of the way they see life. Since I like people and I want friends I make myself a positive person and a person people want to be around.To my friends I am a strong and powerful person who has been strong in times I could be weak. They also say when I have broken down and I feel like I couldn’t bring strength back into my body, I find a way to pick myself back up. I know that they look up to me just like I look up to them, so I know I have to stay strong for them. I cannot be a hypocrite because, if I tell people not to do things and I do it how can they take me seriously?
I know it is hard for teenagers to have high self esteem because teenagers are always trying to compete with each other. They all want to be the better one, better than who? Better than what? What do they gain in the end? Self-pity, rejection, and their self esteem drops dramatically. That is what I found for me, I always wanted to be with the “IT” crowd. I soon realized that I don’t want to be someone I am not just to impress people. I want to be me and I want people to respect me. I have not always been respectful to myself and I have not always loved myself, but I remember what my teacher Ms. Morris told me, “ In order for people to respect and love you, you have to respect and love yourself.” I didn’t believe her but now I know she is right, so I do that now. I respect and love myself more and I have true friends who also respect and love me.
Life is a lesson you learn as you go, you make mistakes and you accomplish things as well. Sometimes I find it hard to understand people because I am not that person and I cannot read their minds. I have to at least try to look through their eyes and try to see things from their point of view. I want to understand people and to help them through their hard times because I know how it feels not to have someone by your side when you need someone by your side the most. Some of the people I help and be there for them are not always here for me, but I don’t mind that because I know that I made a difference in them.
I am also and outgoing person who can talk to people easily. Every year on the first day of school I get scared because I think I am not going to make any friends, and of course I do. I am not a shy person I believe if you really want a friend then you will go and find one. In order to have a friend you have to be a friend. I think because I am open to people and I go up to people and start talking to them, they think I am a confident person. People want confident friends and that is why I make friends easily. Making friends is only half of the problem, keeping your friends is another thing. It is hard to keep in contact with everyone and share the same amount of my time with them so I tend to lose friends here and there. That is why I have my small group of close friends; at the moment I have an estimation of six close friends. I know its not many but I know that they will always be there for me.
I love art and I am an artistic person, not just on canvas but with life as well. To me life is art, it is a painting you create with your experiences and passions in things. As for now I am going to drift away from life for a little bit and talk about art. I love drawing and painting but I mostly draw although I have done some pottery and things with clay. I think I can express my emotions and feelings in paint and the colors used. The bright colors like red, yellow, pink, blue, and orange bring out the bubbly, exotic, and spunky side of me. The darker colors like army green, black, gray and brown bring out the laid back, calming and sometimes lonely and slightly depressed side of me. I choose art to deal with my anger, sadness, happiness, depression and weirdness.
When I was younger I read a lot, in fact it was rare to ever find me without my nose in a book. I mostly loved Nancy Drew and other mystery books, like R.L. Stine. I read all the Harry Potter books at least twice and it would only take me three days to finish each book. I could sometimes read at least three or four books a day depending on how many pages were in the book. Unfortunately I got in the habit of reading magazines and it killed my passion for reading but I am starting to read again because deep down I know I still have a passion for reading. That is why English is my favorite class, I love the books we read in class and it helps me get my love for reading to return. I may love the reading part but I hated the work part so I never did my work in English class. That is why I have to take three English classes this year but hey I love English and I will do the work if I like it or not and you never know I might have a passion for work.
Other things I am interested in are fashion, acting and modeling. I have gone to a modeling school and I have done some modeling shoots for private photographers. I went to an acting school for a year on and off in Houston.
My favorite part of me is knowing that I have people who care about me. Sean is a great guy and at the moment the only person I trust. He is my best friend and I enjoy every minute I spend with him. He and my family are my biggest supporters. I have taken this year to spend time with myself and figure out who I am, I have finally come to realize who I am and I love the person I am. I can finally say I am a better person and I am proud of who I am. I have 110% confidence in myself. I still have some problems in trusting people but I am making an effort now to make friends again. I know I am ready to have friends again because I have finally befriended myself. I may be little but my heart is huge and my soul is free in helping everyone else. I love my life, I love me, I love God, I love my mom, I love helping others, and I love the person I am.

My Interests

Q:Didnt you have a myspaceb4 this one?
A:Yes i did..i also have my moceling page!
Q:Are you a model?
A:Yes i am
Q:How long have you been modeling?
A:About 3 years now.
Q:How did you get into modeling?
A:I applied to a modeling school and graduated from it. i then worked with photographers.
Q:Are you proud of the person you have become?
Q:Yes i am, although there are times when i am not happy with myself but i think everyone feels that way about themselves.
Q:Have you done some acting?
A:Yes i have i have been acting since i was 4 years old, i have been in a film for AFF(austin film festival). i was a crazzy wife who kills her husband! lol it was fun!
Q:Do you have a Boyfriend?
A:No i do not..i do not have much luck with love.
Q:How much time do you spend on myspace?
A:I am on all the time! 24/7 lol.
How can i be in your VIP box?
A:Well just message me and get to know me. then i will decide if you are kool enough to be in it.
Q:Are you a nice person?
A:Lol well thats for you to decide, but i think i am sweet and a caring person.
Q:Do want modeling to be your life time a career?
A:No it would be something i do on the side..i am going to medical school to get a PHD in nursing.
Q:What is your typical day?
A:Well i sleep in till about 9:30 AM, i get up, i eat breakfast, then i get on myspace, then at 2:00-6:00 i go to school, then i get home i eat dinner go on myspace, watch TV till 3:00 Am then go to sleep.
Q:Can i make you a sign?
A:Of course you can, i will put it in my Fan Box which is under cunstruction at the moment.
Q:Whats your favorite tv shows?
A:I like the style network..fx movies, friends, sex and the city, 24, Smallvile, the O.C., Laguna Beach, The Hills, um..and others.
Q:What kind of music do you like?
A:I like all of kinds of music. i like everythink except hardcore metal rock, i can do without that.
Q:Do you travel alot?
A:Yes i do i am never in the country for my birthday.some places i have been to;
3 :Turkey
6:Costa Rica(2x)
and many other places!
Well if you have any other questions please ask me!VIP BOX
Beautiful Nicole!


The man of my dreams

The hottest chica

The Gang!


My Baby!

My lesbian lover!
