My name is KAYAHlAYAH AYAHSharAL. Meaning; "the Principal people of the Powers of "AYAH".
I was born in United States of America and raised in an all Black city called Lincoln Heights which still exist but today is only a sub-urb.
I studied Creative Writing Poetry at the University of Cincinnati. For me writing poetry and writing lyrics have the same energy. Both are inspirations from my life's lessons. I combine an Ancient language with music to access Power from the Heavens to raise the vibrations of Healing & Spirit.
I've always had some type of musical instrument ever since I was 3. My first was a toy piano my grandmother bought me. Music was always in our home. My father loved jazz; Nina Simone, Sarah Vauhn, and Lena Horne. My mother loved Mahalia Jackson, Billy Holliday, and B.B.King. My Uncle played all instruments.
I learned how to arrange sounds by listening to Contemporary Jazz Artists and studying the frequencies of the instruments they use. I don't consider myself a master, I just love the Art of creating rhythms of Sound.
Our ancients used music to exorcise negative spirits that caused mental and emotional stress which led to dis- eases. My walk with the Ancients is to create music that will Bless our nation with Strength and Healing.
Shalawam! If their is no inner peace, there is no healing!