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About Me

Known as the Warrior Empress Kisshiyah Ayahsharal born to mother Kelayah Ayahsharal and father Lemuel Ayahsharal and a sister to 7 siblings. As a daughter of ShaYAHkaYAHnaAYAH (female attribute of the one and only most high) Kisshiyah devotes her spirit to AYAH always through prayer, spoken word, and song. Kisshiyah's been doing spoken word for about 5 years, but started off with written word because she did not speak what she wrote. She's been singing for 10 years and has always written her own literature. Through poetry Kisshiyah gets a higher insight on where she needs to be in life and is used as a vessel to guide others also. In 2005 Kisshiyah was intruduced to Obalayae one of the founders of the Artistic Order of 144 Thousand through a mutual friend as well as her brothers Divine, Kofi,and Peecee, and sisters Afrika, Makeeda, Yahkhayah, and Janice. Through them she has performed at many spoken word events around as well as outside of Ohio such as the Legacy Lounge, Greenwich tavern, Thomas Moore College, Bifs, Alchemize, the National Poetry Slam, and others. Kisshiyah also performed in her first Spoken word stage play "Wade in the Waters" in 2005. With the experiences that she has been blessed to have with them she hopes to do major traveling to other countries to spread this Spoken word movement so that we as a collective can really get the foundation thats needed to continue to leave the legacies we've already started, and open the box that has kept our people trapped for so long. Kisshiyah's greatest inspiration in life her mother Kelayah (who she has also performed with at a local festival that is held yearly in my home town Lincoln Heights, Ohio) is also an aspiring artist who has released two CDs "Pathway to Travel the Stars" and "Word of Fire." Thanks to everyone who has supported Kisshiyah in life. Also special thanks to Abayahr & Zakana F. Dabar Ayahsharal (Mystical and Spiritual teacher of Awamayah Ayahsharal (The Principle People of AAYaH)

My Interests


Member Since: 19/12/2006
Record Label: Transmission of Sound Publishing
Type of Label: Indie

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