BSL BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATIONBSL IS A THREAT THAT WILL BE CLOSE TO HOME WHERE EVER "HOME" IS FOR YOU! EVERY U.S. STATE WILL EVENTUALLY TRY TO PASS THIS LAW WHICH MEANS WE NEED TO PREPARE FAST! WE HAVE TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS AS WELL AS THE RIGHTS OF OUR FAMILY PETS AND BEST FRIENDS. USE YOUR AMERICAN RIGHT TO VOTE AGAINST BSL! I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MY DOG. I WANT TO SAVE HIM ALONG WITH AS MANY OTHERS AS POSSIBLE!GENOCIDE (Genocide: mass killing of a race) IS NOT THE SOLUTION TO A THIS "PROBLEM". EDUCTAION AND TRAINING IS THE ONLY ANSWER. DON'T LET IGNORANCE BE THE VOICE OF REASON. EVEN IF YOUR DOG IS NOT AT RISK OF BSL PLEASE READ ON AND SIGN THE PETITION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. YOU CAN HELP SAVE OUR PETS IN LESS THAN A MINUTE!The following is a bit of history & It can happen in your state too!In the United States, Denver, Colorado was one of the pioneers of banning pit bulls. The city had legislation on the books since 1989, but was nullified by a 2004 law passed by the Colorado General Assembly prohibiting breed specific laws. However, it was overturned in April of 2005 after the city challenged in court the constitutionality of the law. The city reinstated the ban which prohibits citizens from keeping "pit bull type" dogs after May 9, 2005. Over 260 "pit bull type" dogs have been seized from their homes and euthanised since this date, resulting in widespread protest from dog owners and animal rights lobby groups.**Since this legislation has passed over 1000 family pets have been taken from homes and destroyed. **No such ban on other dogs deemed dangerous has been enacted.**No reporting of a decrease in dog bites has occurred since the ban has been enacted in Denver.Breed specific legislation that restricted pit bull ownership in Toledo, Ohio was struck down on March 3, 2006, by a 2-1 vote of the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals. The law had relied on a state definition of a vicious dog as one that has bitten or killed a human, has killed another dog, or "belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull dog." The lack of legal recourse of a pit bull owner to appeal the vicious dog designation of a particular animal was one of the deficiencies of the legislation. For the majority, Judge William Skow wrote in Toledo v. Tellings: "Since we conclude that there is no evidence that pit bulls are inherently dangerous or vicious, then the city ordinance limitation on ownership is also arbitrary, unreasonable, and discriminatory." In other words, the court found the law to be unconstitutional and the case is currently in the Ohio Supreme Court as the city apparently wants to "keep" their unconstitutional law.THE INFORMATION ABOVE ALONG WITH MANY OTHER HELPFUL FACTS CAN BE FOUND AT: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/pit_bullPLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO STOP BSL FROM TAKING OUR DOGS! EVEN IF YOUR DOG IS NOT AT RISK, PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY SIGNING YOUR NAME IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE!http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/apbtlawTHANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!Please pass this info on to everyone you know...
LCA is a very special group of animal lovers who rescued so many animals from Class B dealers. ( Class B dealers sell animals, mainly dogs and cats to research facilities for money so they can perform cruel and torturous tests on them for research purposes.)These animals come fron random sources such as pet stores, strays, even stolen pets! Greed is what's hurting our world today. They have launched special investigations and have gone through and have seen animals living in unspeakable conditions. Not to mention the abuse these animals endure from these hartless people. They are beaten, tortured, starved , shot, and worse. If you have the time, take a look at the HBO documentary "Dealing Dogs". One of their investigators worked undercover at one of the largest Class B dealer kennels around. They documented the horrors of these places and the pain and suffering these dogs went through. Hardly any food water or shelter. It's horrible and disturbing to watch!Luckily, they put them out of business for good! :)Yay for the animals:)There are so many more, and we can all help to bring this cruel practice to a stop!!!! These people dedicate every waking hour to these animals. Please visit their link below and consider making a donation, small or large, they rely on donations to keep these operations running. So let's all help them to continue this courageous work the get up to do each and every day:)