We are the Octave Museum. We make music for humans and non-humans alike. Many, many electric devices are used in this process. Many, many electric devices are used in most every process in this current version of the World.
The industrial revolution has produced the big black smoke and the motor traffic rumble, but it has also given us the electric guitar, the SK-1 and affordable home recording devices that are available to almost anyone with such inclinations. The Octave Museum owes a great deal to these sound making/recording doo dads and gadgets--especially the lovely soon-to-be-extinct devices known as "4-track recorders".
However, we would prefer to think that if you were to take away all of our wonderful toys and left us with our voices and maybe an acoustic guitar--we could still play you our songs in thier lovely, natural form, and hopefully you would enjoy them just as much, but in a slightly different way.
Do you follow?
It is with this in mind that we will continue to create songs for the Universe. To be able to use all of the wonderfull things that the mind and hand of Man has built, but not to be dependent upon them. Hopefully this ideal will carry over into the rest of our lives...
Muchas gracias, amigas y amigos.