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News: 01/14/08
UPCOMING GROUP SHOWLOVE ME GROUP SHOW with Paul Zone, Ryan Herz, Hrad Kuzyk, Mark Thomson, Davey Jones, Nicola Goode,Aaron Hobson and others.
Opening reception this Saturday, Jan. 19, from 7-10 pm. If you miss the opening reception, the showruns Jan. 19 - Feb. 24, 2008
DRKRM GALLERY • 2121 San Fernando Road • Suite 3 • LosAngeles CA 90065 • 323.223.6867
News: 08/31/07
Added some behind the scenes photos from past shoots. Check em' out!News: 04/30/07
Introducing the new and improved myspace page featuring the artwork of Davey Jones.For more information on Davey Jones, his work, and behind the scenes photos, please visit:www.daveyjonesonline.com.
Check back soon for new artwork and much more.
About my work
Behind every one of my concepts there is a story and beneath each story exists an underlying mythology.It is my task as the works author to find that single defining image from the story and present it to the viewer as an isolated framework from which they may deconstruct using their imagination.
In many respects, that is the power that the single frame has over motion pictures. Theviewer is left to create for themselves that which surrounds the image. In the end, I believe this tobe more satisfying than having every miniscule detail handed to you on a silver platter.
My work is an exploration into my interests into physics, mythology, painting, religion andliterature. Because of the nature of the imagery I create, people tend to not believe me when I saythat I've spent more time obsessing over Raphael's "La Belle Jardinière" than the whole ofcontemporary painters and photographers combined.
About Me
I was born in a small town in West Virginia where I attended a Catholic school whose entrywaycontained a full size replica of Michelangelo's "Pieta". Even though I’ve never fully been able toembrace the theology behind it, I have been very influenced by the imagery and mythology ofCatholicism, and in fact, still am today.I have no formal training of any sort. My influences range from filmmakers Ridley Scott, StanleyKubrick and Terry Gilliam to the artists such as Gustave’ Dore and Robert Park-Harrison.
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