Myspace Layouts at / Tulip
data=" 9502"> .. .. .. .. .. .... ..Myspace Graphics
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Myspace Layouts at / Tulip
data=" 9502"> .. .. .. .. .. .... ..Painting, reading, walking, outdoor activities, writing, people, alternative methods of curing oneself, esoterics, navigator and help with solving conflicts, water and finding out about yourself:
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interesting people to talk to, people who enjoy their life and probably some who love painting, good music and who are open to all challenges life includes. ..
I'm open to different music styles. I'm not a fan of heavy metall music.
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Sagrileg, Volver, das Parfüm, Zusammen ist man weniger allein, Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring, Herzflimmern, die wundersame Welt der Amelie, comedies u.a.
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I don't watch TV so often. I like crime, comedy, documentary, quizzes and so on.
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts">
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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m"
Under a glass bell, stories of Allen Poe, Hemmingway, short stories, Harry Potter, German ones: Sokolows Universum, Hectors Reise oder die Suche nach dem Glück, Zusammen ist man weniger allein, Zurück zu mir, Masserberg, Ruf mich an, Herrn Kukas Empfehlungen, Gut gegen Nordwind, Sakrileg u.v.a.
We don' t need heroes. We need people who are aware of humanity, respect and love.