God,hip hop,soul,jazz,gospel,art(anime,paintings,photos) family,reading(the bible,Scratch,XXL,Urb,and books about the music biz) Movies (action,drama,anime,comedy,docudramas) working out (I swear i'm getting around to it!!) DJing,production,sound tech, just life thru the eyes of hip hop&soul...
Those that are in the music biz that I can learn from. Also those that share the same love and passion for God,music,and the artsDJ BABU .. width="425" height="350".. .. ..Pete Rock .. width="425" height="350".. .. ..
I'll be hear all day man. Just peep the joints on my page... ..
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powered by ODEO..
height="345" width="450" border="0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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The Wire,The Sopranos,Rome,Sleeper Cell,Weeds,24,Smallville,Prison break,Hustle,Mad TV,Chapelle Show,Drawn together,Boondocks,Adult Swim anime line up,and Robot Chicken
The Bible, Soul on Ice, The Jason Broune series, and almost anything that's about music.
Jesus,Mom, and all of those with filled peace,love,and understanding