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Because I'm THAT Guy

About Me

Latest update: So far so good for the week. After Sunday's disappointing DNF in Milan, I ended up taking Monday off completely to finish up some school work and study for a test. Tuesday was a bit more exciting. After a boring day at work, I went out to school to take a test and then returned home to prep for the club ride at 6. It was a fun night on Sears Rd. as we ended up doing 8 sign sprints before heading into a tempo ride. By the end of the ride, I had 47 miles in. 'm having fun working with my online cycling coach. The training rides aren't all the exhausting, they just involve keeping my heart rate and cadence in a specific range for a certain amount of time. It's actually pretty tough but I know it will help. On a lighter note, I had my blood pressure and heart rate taken today at work. I sat in the chair and was able to get my heart rate down to 47. And to think, it's only the month of May.

My Interests

Running, cycling, hockey, and anything else that will keep me active.


Rockabilly, hardcore, or just plain rock. Anything but rap



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My Blog

Why I'm That Guy

Useless facts to know about this guy: I am a somewhat selfish person. When you go years in between serious relationships, you get used to doing things on a solo basis. Being the odd number when goin...
Posted by Cameron on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:11:00 PST

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm?

A guy at work has open-heart sugery due to bad diet and smoking. Two months off of work, he returns once again smoking and eating out of the vending machine. Hmmmm?A guy at work gets cancer. Undergoes...
Posted by Cameron on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST