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About Me

Soy una mujer que vive en Buenos Aires, nacida en San Martin y vivo en el barrio de Flores, soy descendiente de àrabes, o una turca preciosa como le dicen aca en mi paìs, amante de la vida y del amor, amo al solcito que alumbra y le da calor a mis dias ..mi hija YASMINA que me alienta a vivir cada dìa y es hermosa ,a mis hermanas GLADYS, NADIA Y DAIANA que ademàs de hermanas son amigas incondicionales y preciosas que me bancan y me ayudan en todo y que no seria nada sin ellas y a mis amigas ANDY, MARCELA, BECHU personitas queridas que no las siento como amigas sino como hermanas, a mi sobrina ELIANA O ELITA como le digo yo...una dulce total la adoro y es una mimosa y divina...todas ellas son el motivo de ser feliz en la vida...y de ayudarme a ser quien soy o quien quiero ser en la vida y salir de la burbuja de la hipocresìa y del miedo a no vivir como deseo...
The Best Comments @ Iam a woman who lives in Buenos Aires, born in San Martin and alive in the district of Flowers, I am descending of arabian, or a precious Turk as they say here in my country to him, loving of the life and the love, master to the sun that illuminates and gives heat him to my day. .mi daughter YASMINA who encourages to me to live each dìa and is beautiful, to my sisters precious GLADYS, NADIA and DAIANA that all of sisters is unconditional friends and who they support to me and help me in everything and that nonserious nothing without them and to my friends ANDY, MARCELA, BECHU precious people wanted that I do not feel like friends but like sisters, to my niece ELIANA Or ELITA as I to him say… a total candy I adore it and is sweet and divine… all of them they are the reason for being happy in the life… and for helping me to be the one who I am or who I want to be in the life and to go out the bubble of falsification and the fear not to live as desire… I've been studying dance in it's various forms since the age of 3 and trained classically in ballet, jazz and modern dance. for 12 years.Approximately 5 years ago, I began studying Oriental dance..Today Im Professional Dancer and Middle Eastern Dance Instructor in my country

My Interests

Me gusta bailar mucho y escuchar todo tipo de mùsica me relaja y distiende....desde el rock hasta la musica clasica I like to dance much and to listen to all type of music relaxes and distiende to me….from the rock to classic music Today Im Professional Dancer and Middle Eastern Dance Instructor in my country

I'd like to meet:

Hacer amigos y amigas..conocer gente me da fuerzas y me dan ganas de seguir adelante me encanta conocer siempre gente nueva de todo el mundo , amo a la genteMyspace Graphics
Myspace LayoutsTo make friends women and friends men. .to know people gives forces me and they give desire me to follow to ahead enchants me to always know new people worldwide, master to people




Friends, Ghost Whisperer, CSI


Autores como Coelho, en Humor MAitena me vuelve loca , soy muy romàntica y me gustan las novelas Històricas
The Best Comments @ COMMENTRELOAD.comAuthors like Coelho, in MAitena Humor return to me crazy, I am very romantic women and I like the historys and epics novels