Miss Jodie Lee, DJ profile picture

Miss Jodie Lee, DJ

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dj girl

I only started to DJ last summer, and already I have had bookings in London, Spain and Dubai, and request in Milan, Miami, California, China and Sweden! I am still practicing some very high quality DJ skills and techniques having already mastered the basics. I will become a talented female DJ, this year I aim to be a great success! I am able to work with most types of House music to cater for different clubs, although Funky and Electric are my particular favorites. Watch this space for Miss Jodie Lee, MJL International...Anyone scouting for film, TV, modeling, or DJ, do get in touch. All enquiries welcome :-)

Promotional photography by Davide Bozzetti and Samara Morris

My Interests

My 2 Horses, 3 Shar-pei's, 2 cats, terrapin, fish, oh and music!

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jackson


House music, all types


Watch anything, cartoons included! I do love a scary horror, as long as I'm not watching it alone :-(


Don't really watch much TV, prefer music. Sometimes Simpsons, Top Gear - love cars!


Don't read much!


I admire Kylie Minogue for all that she's done and got through. I also really appreciate a good DJ who loves their work for the music, and not just the job title. My only real heroes are my parents, they've done well to stay together for over 30 years!