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If you mess with the Kings better watch your Ace Jack.

About Me

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Gemini (The Twins)

May 22 to June 21

--Traditional Gemini traits--

Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent
Cunning and inquisitive

Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless. They take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests, flitting from project to project as apparently purposelessly as a butterfly dancing from flower to flower.

To them life is a game which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labor and routine. Changing horses in the middle of the stream is another small quirk in the Gemini personality which makes decision making, and sticking to a decision, particularly hard for them.Since they lack the quality of conscientiousness, they are apt to fight a losing battle in any attempts they make to be moral (in the widest sense of the word). Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts. They quickly learn to use their outward attractiveness to gain their own ends, and when striving for these they will use any weapon in their armory - unscrupulous lying, and cunning evasiveness; escaping blame by contriving to put it on other people, wrapped up in all the charm they can turn on. In their better moments they may strive to be honest and straightforward, but self-interest is almost always the victor. If things go against them, they sulk like children. Also like children, they demand attention, admiration, and the spending on them of time, energy and money, throwing tantrums if they don't get what they want. They reflect every change in their surroundings, like chameleons, and can become pessimistic, sullen, peevish and materialistically self-centered if circumstances force them to struggle in any way. If the conditions of life become really adverse, their strength of will may desert them entirely.

They can become uncertain of themselves, either withdrawn, or nervously excitable worriers, sullenly discontented, hard and irritable, with "Self" looming ever larger in their struggles. On the other hand their versatility can make them very adaptable, adjusting themselves to control the world around them by means of their inherent ingenuity and cleverness.Most Gemini have a keen, intuitive, sometimes brilliant intelligence and they love cerebral challenges. But their concentration, though intense for a while, does not last. Their mental agility and energy give them a voracious appetite for knowledge from youth onward, though they dislike the labor of learning. They easily grasp almost everything requiring intelligence and mental dexterity, and are often able to marry manual skills to their qualities of mind. Their intellect is strongly analytical and sometimes gives them so great an ability to see both sides of a question that they vacillate and find it hard to make decisions. But their intelligence may very well be used to control and unify the duality of their natures into a most efficient unit.

If faced with difficulties, they have little determination to worry at a problem until they find a solution - they will pick the brains of others. In their intellectual pursuits, as in other departments of their lives, they risk becoming dilettantes, losing themselves in too many projects which they follow until they become difficult.In love they are fickle, not intentionally so but because of the basic inconsistency of their emotional nature, which has an amoral aspect to it. Their is a side to Geminians which can become deeply involved emotionally, and another, hostile to sentimentality, which stands back from a romantic situation, laughing at it and the protagonists in it, including themselves while analyzing it intellectually.

Gemini subjects take nothing seriously. So, in love, in spite of their temporary depth of feeling, for the intensity of involvement lasts only while it is new, they are superficial, light-hearted, cool, flirtatious and unimaginative in the understanding of the pain they may give others. They like intrigue, the excitement of the chase, but once they have caught the prey, they lose interest and look around for the next creature to pursue. In less serious situations they make witty, entertaining companions, good acquaintances rather than friends. Even at their worst they are never dull - there is usually playfulness below the surface, and they can be brilliant conversationalists - but they can also be quarrelsome, prattlers, boasters, liars and cheats.Geminians can be successful in many walks of life though their general characteristics tend to make them unreliable. They are often skilled manipulators of language, in speech and writing, and may be: debaters, diplomats (though in politics they are more interested in theory than practice), orators, preachers (brilliant rather than profound), teachers, authors, poets, journalists, or lawyers.

In business any work which combines quick-wittedness with a change of surroundings suits them; working as a traveling salesperson, brokerage work, or dealing with the public in any capacity is right up their alley. Because they are dispassionate, logical, rational and analytical they make good scientists, especially in the fields of medicine and astronomy. They can also make excellent members of the Armed Forces, for they take danger no more seriously than anything else and can earn themselves a reputation for devotion to duty and heroic acts. In the arts they may excel in music, painting and sculpture. They make good psychic researchers of a sceptical kind. Negatively they can degenerate into confidence tricksters, thieves and even adepts in the black arts.

Possible Health Concerns...

Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, hands, lungs and nervous system and its subjects need to beware of diseases and accidents associated with the upper part of the body, as well as nervous and pulmonary disorders such as catarrh and bronchitis. Their mercurial nature may also affect a constitution which is not strong if it is put under strain. You are prone to taking unnecessary risks and wind up harming yourself or others in the process. Sometimes pursuing pleasure too vigorously could also qualify as risk taking.


Novelty and the unusual
Variety in life
Multiple projects all going at once


Feeling tied down
Learning, such as school
Being in a rut
Mental inaction
Being alone


As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Gemini you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

PROBLEM: Being superficial could be a big problem for you in your overall relationships with others and also in getting ahead on many jobs where you must endeavor to dig deep and learn something thoroughly. This is the worst Gemini trait of all.

SOLUTION:To make a conscious effort to control this trait is the best approach to take to this problem. If you make a commitment to something or someone you should mentally force yourself to keep that commitment where possible. This will be hard but it can, and has been, accomplished by many under this sign.

PROBLEM: Not one who cares for peace and quiet, you create your own problems with loved ones by picking arguments or tale carrying from one to the other then stand back and enjoy the show.

SOLUTION: While this may relieve your boredom, it is something that you should not let happen as it could easily go out of control and cost you the love and companionship that you desire. When you feel like doing this it would be better to take a long walk and let the feelings pass.

PROBLEM: Boredom is one of your biggest problems and you could easily fall into mischief if you do not find ways to alleviate it.

SOLUTION: You have a great many creative talents and if you put these to work for you in some sort of hobby or project you will find you do not have time to be bored, also, other physical activities should be considered: workouts at the gym, racketball, hiking, etc.

PROBLEM: You could have health problems brought on by overindulgence of food, drink, or the night life which only gets worse as you age.

SOLUTION: Tame your urges and save the party times for weekends only and then try not to overdo it. By keeping everything down to a mild roar you may not have to fight off diseases such as obesity or cirrhosis of the liver.

PROBLEM: You may have the problem of not being able to keep a spouse or a lover due to your pursuit of the opposite sex.

SOLUTION: Cultivate the habit of not flirting with every attractive person you see and make up your mind to be a true and loving spouse, or don't commit until you are really ready to do this.

Some Famous Geminis:

H.R.H. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (June 10, 1910)
Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle (May 22, 1859)
Marilyn Monroe (June 1, 1926)
Judy Garland
Bob Hope
John F Kennedy
Walt Whitman
Al Jolson
Bob Dylan
Thomas Hardy

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." -Ingrid Bergman

So...about me. I'm just interested in making new friends and hearing what others have to say. I'm pretty laid back most of the time. I'm much in tune with my spiritual side and found my way there through Tantra, which contrary to popular belief, consists of more than just "sex." Consider for a moment that the Dalai Lama is a tantric adept, and those visions of sexual bliss that the word "tantra" conjures up quickly dissolve. Tantra is more than the sex play of popular articles and books. Georg Feuerstein, authority of the yogic traditions, conjures up a much richer world of Hindu cosmology, philosophy, and theology in his book "Tantra : Path of Ecstasy." Tantra is a form of devotionalism, in which ritual sounds, gestures, and actions figure prominently. Reverence of the guru as god also plays a part, but Feuerstein tempers our suspicion by repeating the admonitions of tantric texts down through the ages to choose carefully. As much prudence must also go into reflection on the disciple's own person, who engages in strict yogic discipline designed to conquer the six enemies: desire, anger, greed, delusion, pride, and envy. Feuerstein draws on the ancient texts to describe the tantric path in great detail, including realization of the subtle body, directing energy through the chakras, and, yes, sex. Taken together, tantra becomes a vivid, multifaceted path to self-realization.

I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.

"By divine accident, this splendid impression of beauty, fleeting and frail, shall forever remain the embodiment of grace." -- Anonymous

There are times when a brief passing moment can hold a special place in our subconscious. Seeing someone for the first time can be such an occasion. And although the view may have lasted only an instant, our mind has a way of filling in what the eye didn’t see, creating an impression that can linger forever.

Beyond matters of personal taste, the best erotic art sets up a dramatic tension between a sense of pleasure and a sense of place.

"Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind." - Leonardo da Vinci

"It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly." - Claude Monet

I may seem to be passionately concerned with the 'hows' of representation, how you actually represent rather than 'what' or 'why'. But to me this is inevitable. The 'how' has a great effect on what we see. To say that 'what we see' is more important than 'how we see it' is to think that 'how' has been settled and fixed. When you realize this is not the case, you realize that 'how' often affects 'what' we see.

My Interests

Generally..I like comforting situations and relaxing activities. I also enjoy art and erotisism.

"Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest." - Georgia OKeeffe

I have to give up props to an amazing woman who lived well before her time. Ladies and gentlemen..Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe personified Hollywood glamour with an unparalleled glow and energy that enamored the world. Although she was an alluring beauty with voluptuous curves and a generous pout, Marilyn was more than a '50s sex goddess. Her apparent vulnerability and innocence, in combination with an innate sensuality, has endeared her to the global consciousness. She dominated the age of movie stars to become, without question, the most famous woman of the 20th Century.

"Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet." - Andy Warhol

I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others. When you have a pure, sincere motivation, then you have right attitude toward others based on kindness, compassion, love and respect.

My heart beats more for a raw, average vulgar art, which doesn't live between sleepy fairy-tale moods and poetry but rather concedes a direct entrance to the fearful, commonplace, splendid and the average grotesque banality in life.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people who have something genuine to say. Something that keeps my attention. In the meantime..I would also like to meet Lucy Liu and Penelope Cruz! What can I say.. I love Lucy and Penelope!

Rob Zombie and Quentin Tarantino:


I like all kinds of music. It just depends on my mood at the time.

Of have the great Stevie Ray Vaughn:

Stevie Ray Vaughan is a musician of immeasurable talent and influence. When "Texas Flood" was released, there hadn't been anything like it heard since Hendrix. His tone on that old beat-up stratocaster was hot and brown. (A brief digression on the "brown" sound - Eddie Van Halen said it was the difference between hitting a block of wood with a hammer and hitting an anvil. If you don't get that - don't bother.)

Norah Jones:

Norah Jones was born in Brooklyn and raised in Dallas, Texas. Her love for Jazz evolved while attending Dallas' Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. She then majored in jazz piano at the University of North Texas for two years. She then took a trip to New York and while this started as a summer vacation, Norah was soon found herself hanging around local songwriters and became inspired to write some original songs.

Dave Matthews:

The Dave Matthews Band formed in Charlottesville, Virginia, in early 1991, when vocalist/guitarist Dave Matthews decided to put some songs he had written on tape. Instead of simply recording himself with a guitar, he opted to bring in some instrumental help to give his musical ideas more depth. Dave found assistance in drummer Carter Beauford and saxophonist LeRoi Moore, who were both accomplished jazz musicians in the local Charlottesville music scene. Based on the recommendation of distinguished local jazz guru John Dearth, 16-year-old musical prodigy Stefan Lessard came on board to play bass. Completing the band was keyboard player Peter Griesar, who left the band after a couple of years, as well as the talented and classically trained violinist, Boyd Tinsley.


With such daring new songs as "Twisted Transistor," "Politics," and "Love Song" among others, it's clear that KoRn--Jonathan Davis, James "Munky" Shaffer, Fieldy and David Silveria--have opened the doors to even more creativity and disarray. And no one does "disarray" like KoRn.


A few of my all-time favorite movies are:

"American Beauty"

Lester and Carolyn Burnham are on the outside, a perfect husband and wife, in a perfect house, in a perfect neighborhood. But inside, Lester is slipping deeper and deeper into a hopeless depression. He finally snaps when he becomes infatuated with one of his daughters friends. Meanwhile, his daughter Jane is developing a happy friendship with a shy boy-next-door named Ricky who lives with a homophobic father.


Remake of the 1932 film, which follows the rise of Tony Montana, a Cuban emigre who, with his friend Manny Ray, builds a strong criminal empire in early 1980's Miami. (By the way..the picture above is of the original script, autographed by the cast, of the movie which was directed by Brian De Palma.)


A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

"The Devil's Rejects"

Sequel to 'House of 1000 Corpses' is set some months later with the Texas State Police making a full-scale attack against the murderous Firefly family residence for the 1,000+ murders and disappearances of the past several years. But three of the family members escape, including Otis, Baby Firefly and Baby's father Captain Spaulding. The evil trio go on a road trip, leaving dozens of mangled bodies in their wake. Evading a massive Texas Rangers dragnet as well as a group of equally murderous bounty hunters led by Ken Dwyer (the brother of a policeman Mamma Firefly killed in 'House of...') who's obsessed with finding the deadly killers, the surviving Firefly clan gather at a run-down amusement park owned by Captain Spaulding's half-brother, Charlie Altamont, whom offers them shelter and a new base of operations for their killing spree as Sheriff Dwyer, the Texas Rangers, the FBI and others slowly close in.


My favorite show is COPS.

Producer/writer/director John Langley created Fox Broadcasting Company’s television series COPS in 1988. The long-running FBC reality program, currently entering its 19th season, pioneered the often emulated video verite format.

My second favorite show is Judge Judy.

Smart, savvy and opinionated, the irrepressible Judge Judith Sheindlin holds court as presiding judge over real-life cases on the highly successful courtroom series JUDGE JUDY. Having made a name for herself as a tough but fair judge in New York's Family Court, Judge Judith Sheindlin retired from the bench in 1996 and segued into television to host the syndicated series. Judge Judith Sheindlin brings her trademark wit and wisdom to the widely successful half-hour series that takes viewers inside a television courtroom where justice is dispensed at lightning speed.

I've recently become addicted to LOST, which is a pretty good show.

A horrific plane crash leaves 48 passengers alive, and stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific. The survivors include doctor Jack, now freed prisoner Kate (pictured directly above and my favorite), one hit wonder rock star Charlie, Iraqi military vet Sayid, and a mysterious man named Locke. For a while their goal is simple survival, but they soon realize that it was far more than mere chance that brought them together, and each of them has a purpose that will help them unlock the island's secrets.

I also play Halo 2 online on XBox. (Gamertag: Ezekiel Z517)


"Tantra : Path of Ecstasy"

Feuerstein has attempted a daunting task, defining Tantric Yoga drawn from Hindu and not Tibetan Buddhist sources. To do this, he has assembled a wide-ranging compendium of Hindu, Tantric and Shaivite texts almost impossible to find in one place elsewhere. To plunge into this book is to find yourself rushing down the sacred River Ganges through the heart of India. Like a sophisticated travelogue, it brings into sharp focus the rich tapestry of the Indian ecstatic life and the exotic practices of Tantric Yoga that take place, metaphorically, on the banks of this Queen of rivers. The inner eye is challenged with mystical beasts bathing in the waters; holy men daubed in ashes undertaking bizarre and often previously never-before-seen Tantric rituals; the inner ear is filled with the rhythmic, pulsating chant of Om, and all its associated Sanskrit sounds; the senses are awash with meditative visions. It is a passage through Indian spiritual life that may be too sophisticated for the casual tourist, although for those who have passed this way before, it is a comprehensive and provocative commentary on the basic and advanced precepts of Tantric yoga. Written with literate modesty and erudition, this book is an invaluable resource.

"The Gift : ESP, the Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary People"

In the 1930s J.B. Rhine launched a series of experiments focusing on extra sensory perception (ESP) at Duke University's Parapsychology Lab. To both accolades and criticism from the scientific community, he argued that the ability of a statistically significant number of subjects to accurately guess the order of randomly arranged cards established ESP's existence. Rhine's daughter Feather, an experimental and clinical psychologist and director of the Rhine Research Center, with the assistance of Schmicker (Best Evidence), draws on a database of thousands of reported cases to present a variety of intriguing, if not fully convincing, accounts that, she says, can't be explained except as instances of ESP. There are three types of stories: precognitive (the ability to foresee an event), clairvoyant (witnessing an event at a distance as it occurs) and telepathic (reading another's mind). There are harrowing tales of mothers who sense that one of their children is in danger, as well as young children apparently able to sense what a parent is thinking. Feather includes a number of examples of people who claim to have had a premonition of 9/11. Although the author strains for an open-minded approach, she states clearly that she accepts the validity of psychic experiences. This collection of anecdotes will appeal most to those who share her convictions.


"Only a ninja can destroy a ninja" - Cho Osaki in Revenge of the Ninja

"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend." - Bruce Lee in The Lost Interviews

"Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes click." - De Jesus in The Big Lebowski

My Blog

I don't blog...

I simply don't blog.  Thats why you never see blogs here.  I keep everything bottled up inside because to discuss it aloud would only disgruntle me further as a lack of clear understand...
Posted by Coker" on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:08:00 PST