KAOS is recognized by many as the pioneers of the new bboy movement in Houston. KAOS basically brought bboying back from the dead in Houston and surrounding cities. We are not cocky about it or think we are the best bboys, we just love to dance and we aim to keep the hip hop alive and fun. KAOS Bboys was founded in 1994 by a few young men that only wanted to express their love of music by dancing. KAOS didn’t realize the impact of bboying until practicing turned to dancing in public, which lead to influencing others to form crews.This ultimately LED to representation through battling other crews in and around Houston. KAOS BBOYS recognizes the crews that influenced us to keep dancing: Rock Steady Crew---New York City Breakers---Rebel Crew---Whynos. We appreciate these crews as well as all the other crews that kept the scene alive when we first came out in the scene. STAY HUNGRY YET HUMBLE!!!