Art, Music, Photography, Videography, Design & Animation.
There are tons of people that I would love to meet. I would have love to have met Elvis. George Strait would also be on my top ten list. How could one man have been so consistent for so many years. And he's still knocking out #1 hits..
Wow.. I DJ so my interests are vast. I guess I'm a country music fan at heart. But sometimes, I just need something more upbeat.
Full Metal Jacket, The Lakehouse, Wedding Crashers, Napoleon Dynamite, Black Sheep, Van Helsing, Office Space, Run Ronnie Run, Crash, The Ringer, I Am Sam, The Grudge, Waiting, And Anything Horror
Ghost Hunters, CSI, History Channel, Paranormal State, HD Kungfu Channel,
Steven King, Louis Lamour, Bible,
Parents, Wife & Kids..They never cease to amaze me. Code Tweaks From