awesometank profile picture


our dad is a stud

About Me

our names are sandy beaches, zombelina, eloise, and sashimi.we live in patricks room. we like rock and roll. we like food and swimming. we have sexy gills. our best friend is josh the dawg. patrick is sexy and he sings naked to himself. he needs to change the water more often. he drinks alot. some people say " if these fish could talk". we try to commit suicide on the kitchen floor

My Interests

watching dad have sex and jerk off

I'd like to meet:

aqua man. manatees. that pirate skeleton guy that drinks the bubble rum jug. someone that would shut our dad the fuck up so we could get some sleep. everyone that talks shit on our dad so we could drown them and then eat them from the inside out.a doctor that could turn josh into a fish so we could hang out in awesome tank. lemmy. the person who invented tetra fish food


the music that dad likes and the bubbles in the tank


jaws,the Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou


bill dance, rolan martin, bass masters,


a fishermans guide to upstate new yorks trout streams


the stingray that killed steve irwin