Way too many too list ! Didn't you read my About Moi Pick a subject ,any subject , chances are I've either read , done it ,working on it , or planing to.
Peter Gabriel TOny Levin Steve Gadd Terry Bozio Trent Reznor David Bowie Carlos Santana Micheal Walden Jeff Beck Jason Bonham Jimmy Page Mars Volta Niles Loftgren Kim Mitchell Stephen Hawking Richard Branson Any of the Marx Brothers still living.
Anything that doesn't suck!, so thats excludes about 70% of the crap out there. Oooooh I didn't say that did I :-)
Watch too many to name , and usually can't remember names anyway!
Anything educational or that isn't crap !
Godel,Esher,Bach:An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter (Pulitzer Prize Winner) Be prepared to split your brain. A Man called Intrepid by William Stephenson. War & Peace , Don't tell me you don't know who this is by!
Gandi , Dalli Lama , The guy who invented the PEZ dispenser.