Ichigo profile picture


That's me ! (on the left, with Helcanen :p) XD

About Me

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Hello everybody ! I'm Ichigo ! I follow langages' studies... I like speaking with the others ^_^'http://midnattsolfr.free.fr/forum/index.phpThis is the adress of our french (but there's an English part in it) about Midnattsol ! Take a look :) My best friend is Melanie (Melanica Ethilica), I adore her because i never had a friend like her and I'm sure I'll never have more. She's exceptionnal and she support me all the time, espacially theses times who are hard for me...

My Interests

Music !!!!

I'd like to meet:

So many people ! I'd like to meet a lot of groups... I'd like see Carmen one more time ! ;)


1) After forever 2) Epica 3) Midnattsol 4) Elis 5) Darzamat/Holy mosesBattlelore, Eluveitie, Skeptical minds, Tristania, Sirenia, ...


The Lord of the rings The edukatorsAnd so many others...




Amélie Nothomb Rose Berryl Anee Rice


Floor Jansen for her carrier and her simplicity. She's a model for me, I admire her for her soprano's voice and her great comportment with the fans !Carmen Elise Espenaes for the wonderful friendship that she give since some months. She is so sweet and 'see' me all the time ! Thank you for all Carmen, I'll never forget all that you do for me !

My Blog

Bad news... Break up

After Beseech, now it's the turn of Trail of Tears... This is the message from Ronny Thorsen : OFFICIAL STATEMENT.Mexico City, 30.11.2006.Dear all,The following lines are written in the attempt of cl...
Posted by Ichigo on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST


Well... I'm 15 years old, I live in Belgium and so, on the 11st december I begin my Christmas' exams. Jippie   I finish them the 20th... I don't like exams... As Mark say it in Consign to Ob...
Posted by Ichigo on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:05:00 PST