Playzebra magazine is an independent and experimental publishing project, with six-monthly periodicity. It took off during 2003 in Torino, with the intention to "play across" different disciplines and to create a dynamic and interactive product.
Playzebra magazine believes in contemporary art, in communication design and celebrates urban culture. From the name on, it reveals its double nature. The play concept is related with the interactive narration - each issue is designed in relation to its interaction with a different
media. Zebra, instead, stands for crosswalk – the topics are developed with an interdisciplinary approach among them.
Playzebra magazine is distributed in Italy and Europe in the bookshop of several museums and foundations, in libraries, galleries and design shops.
Playzebra magazine readers have from 20 to 70 years. They are free thinkers, creative, technical-intellectual young minds and lovers of independent press. Mainly, their occupations are: designers, artists, critics, art collectors, graphic designers, students, professors, and professionals in the fi eld. Playzebra’s public is omnivorous, they devour images and they are thirsty for content. Each time they are curious but satisfi ed when they get hold on a magazine that in every issue uses a different concept.
Zebra / Graphic Design
ZEBRA SRL / cross media publishing, Torino
Fabrizio Vespa / Editor at Large
Anna Follo / Editor in Chief
Nello Russo / Art and Editing Director
Paolo Stenech / Editor and Video Editing
Otto Riello / Photo Editor and Video Maker
Beppe Vaccariello / Editor and Graphic Designer
Andrea Tambosco / 3D and Video Editing
Sarah Dewilde / Translation Editor
Kelsie Livia Sanders / Consultant in London
Ivana Hladilo / Fashion Editor
Diego Moriondo Agnella / Press Office and Public Relations
V4.4 Ciao