BLUE RESONANCE profile picture


hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi

About Me

All songs, texts and images are published under a Creative Commons License .Blue Resonance starts in February 2005, Turin (ITA), from an idea of Luca Lazzaroni, guitar player basically and polinstrumentist for extention. The project has its basement on the concept of synaesthesia between video and musical elaborations. The sensorial experience of Blue Resonance is something wrapping: the sounds never stop, but one slips trough the other endlessly, and the images as well. Not sight nor hearing have any predominance, music goes side by side with abstract or melancholic images, tough always full of significance. “We play images. We broadcast notes” is a slogan that easily represents the utopian aim of the project. Blue Resonance takes a concrete shape in two sections: the audio section (formerly made of four elements, now made by one) and the video section, with the collaboration of Francesco Merletti. Synthesizers and soft-sequencing, with drum machines, loop and sampling, are the basic ground, while a fx-processed guitar creates a wall of violent and moving riffs. The video is the link of all of these features. The absence of a singer and the presence of the visual element let the concerts develop in a new uncommon way, far from the “frontman-rockband” standard. Blue Resonance is also scenography: one thin japan style silhouette is outlined by the lights of an images’wall, audioinstallations, soundmachines and instruments of every kind, winking to a particular mood to feel the music, that has deep roots not only in english new wave and american industrial, but also in movie soundtracks, classical and world music.
These days Tracks on Blue Resonance’s iTunes

click on the album cover for info ( Apple iTunes required)

My Interests


Member Since: 9/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Luca Lazzaroni - Composer and Executor (human)

Alesis Andromeda A6 - analog sound generator (machine)

Apple Macbook - digital sound generator (machine)

Ibanez Artcore As73 - analog sound generator (human manufact)

Boss GT8 - digital sound processing unit (machine)

M-Audio Axiom 49 - digital sound controller (machine)

Influences: The Cure, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, Gary Numan, Sigur Ros, Joy Division, David Bowie, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Nick Cave, Yann Tiersen, Björk, Anathema, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Robert Johnson, Ben Harper, Jimi Tenor, Nirvana, Motorpsycho, me, you.
Sounds Like: like how i want it should sound
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


i fell in love with thisit's not a simple device, it's an instrument itself! Every guitar player should use it al least once in a lifetime! Better if served on E or A string of a hollowbody guitar.. w...
Posted by BLUE RESONANCE on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:59:00 PST

"Not Yet", a new song

I posted on myspace a new song, called "not yet". this represents my work of early 2007, which was carachterized by the composition of this new track and the "remakes" of all the "old ones". This trac...
Posted by BLUE RESONANCE on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 04:53:00 PST

"SONG FOR LENE" the new song of Blue Resonance

I just uploaded the first song of the new BR era. It is called "Song for Lene", and it's a devotional hommage to a wonderful girl i loved. Having eyes illness (too much computer!), i stayed ...
Posted by BLUE RESONANCE on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 01:26:00 PST

Musical shopping

I bought an Alesis Andromeda A6 on may06. Now i'm waiting to get a Mac Book with an intel core 2 duo processor, and maybe a good audio interface (edirol FA101?,...) and a good midi controller (m-...
Posted by BLUE RESONANCE on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 05:29:00 PST


Good morning, e-world First daylights of the Blue Resonance myspace profile. I'm just a rookie here, so as the time goes i'll be able to edit my BR profile better and better. Up to now there's ju...
Posted by BLUE RESONANCE on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:03:00 PST