Listening to music is a plus. Video Gaming is an interest. Basketball is also. Writing some. Maybe more, hmmm? Getting to know you silly person type human thing, yeah you!
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I'd like to meet:
People I can sit back and chat with. People I can build with and learn from. People who fear God and know of HIS Love and Son Jesus. People of integrity and Wisdom. People who could care less about God or what Jesus has done. People who are hopeless. People in general.
Genre: R&B, Rap, Hip- Hop, Neo Soul, Spoken Word(Acapella or w/ Instruments), Jazz(all), Big Band, Rock, Reggae, CLASSICAL, All forms of music it gets too long to name it all. Definitely miss real instruments, that's lacking in today's music as is morals or any sense of Godliness. WE accept anything except Jesus influenced or inspired music because we are either ashamed or so wrapped up in our own ways that we are our own gods, so we do what's right in our own eyes or what seems right with our own reasoning. (PRIDE)
Star Wars I - VI,
Rocky I - V,
Spiderman I & II,
Busting Loose ( the music was moving),
Superman I & II,
It's a Wonderful Life,
Shirley Temple joints,
Malcolm X (Spike Lee's),
The Passion of The Christ,
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,
Five Deadly Venoms,
Lord of The Rings' Trilogy,
A Murder of Crows,
The Five Heartbearts,
The Temptations,
House of Flying Daggers,
***Bustin' Loose,***
Justice League Movie: Starcrossed
G.I. Joe The Movie(hey man Duke died briefly, Yooo, JOEEE!!!!!!)
Crash, wonderful movie for it to be made in America
I scope out independent films too because they do what American film makers are afraid to do, be creative and take risks.
My televison time has just about vanished, though when the NBA and NCAA Basketball season starts, I'll probably repent and watch some more TV.
Bible(It's more than a book He's ALIVE),
No Regrets,
The Scarlet Letter,
The Great Investment,
Maximize The Moment,
So You Call Yourself a Man,
The Firm,
Rediscovering the Kingdom
& others
Just being real, JESUS is the only one who qualifies, Mom and Dad are cool but not even close. He took my sins, laid down HIS life for mine, then to top it all off He arose from the grave and ascending to the right hand of honor of God the Father and told me that I'm a partaker of the inheritance that belongs to Him. He conquered death, sin is defeated and now I have access to the throne room of God the Father because of it. You can't beat that. YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT, EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT.