theSundanceKid profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

hi i'm carolin
welcome to mystalk
You can HATE me or LOVE me. Either way i get your i win.
i love my family and friends. they are all i have and i'd do anything for them.
i am very shy at first, but i try to hide it behind hyperactivity most of the time. i scare people with that behaviour...a lot.
i have a loud voice and i can babble for hours srtaight, but i might just stop and wont say a damn word for the rest of the day. that scares people a lot as well.
i love to sing and dance and i don't care who is watching or listening.
i like to paint.
i believe in ghosts. i live in the apartment where my great-grandmother died...actually i sleep in the same room where she died. she was 93 years old and had a broken heart.
i like horrorflicks, but i enjoy cheesy romantic movies as well.
i don't drink or do drugs, but when i go out i always get the hangover from the people that i partied with the night before.
i hate horses and spiders.
i have major trust issues.
i am a proud aunt of two nieces.
i used to have three yorkshire terrier and i loved those little sofa rats.
i am afraid of the dark and i have a nightligt in my bedroom.
i love to travel and meet as many people as possible.
i dream of a road trip through the united states with my closest friends.
i hate being alone, but sometimes i need time on my own.
i am a make-up artist and love doing special f/x.
i loooove to dress up on halloween and/or carvnival.
i bruise like a peach.
i do believe in love at first sight but it has never happened to me so far.
every third marriage gets divorced within the first 5 years, because in theses days marriage is based on love.
i have major trust issues.
i call myself a pantheist.
i love mother gaia. the sun always gets me in a good mood. no matter if it's cold or hot outside. sun = love
i am a slow reader. i am having a hard time finishing books.
i have a dressing room in my apartment. obviously i love clothes, shoes, accessories and all that shit. don't judge me because of that. i am a girl. i can't help it.
sometimes i cry for absofuckinglutely no reason. and it feels good.
i drive like an asshole. but i love long drives, especially at night.
i have major trust issues.
i have bad experiences with roommates. i will never ever again let strangers or even good friends live in my apartment(...without a lease).
i totally understand why men don't understand women. seriously!
i have been called a bitch, a whore, a slut, a cunt more than once in my life.
i have nightmares of people cutting my hair off.
I don't like people who are trying to be someone other than themselves or what they are. And that's the reason why i never want to change anything about myself. DEAL with it...just like i have to.
i hate drunk people.
i have major trust issues.
i don't know you? then i wont add you. i don't accept band requests, if i don't know them or if i don't like their music. i am tired of mystalk randomness....sorry...been there, done that...through with it...

My Interests

I love people, but they hate me.
I hate people, but they love me.

I'd like to meet:

if all you have to offer is a profile with party pics, showing off your drinking skills, then you probably might not be the type of person who i'd like to meet. i don't need to be a member of your party crew. it doesn't make me or you a cooler person or whatever you name it. it just makes you a little bit more pathetic.

favorite quotes from my best friends:

"carolin, there's absolutely nothing on tv. only vacuum cleaners and naked women..."

"the juveniles of today smell like babypoweder and cigarettes...yuk"

"we are young, free and totally on caffeine"

"even totally dressed up they don't look half as good as you do after getting out of bed"

"i love children. i just couldn't eat a whole one"

"In your life you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again...but you do."


Funny, scary, romantic


Gilmore Girls


Fabian - Die Geschichte eines Moralisten by Erich Kästner

Wo die wilden Maden graben by Nagel


My Family and my Friends for loving me who i am...3

My Blog

how to control your sanity: LESSON 1 / wie sie ihren verstand kontrollieren: LEKTION 1

how to control your sanity: LESSON 1... ...there is no way. the rate of thoughts cruising along in my mind, give me a serious headache. at one time you reach a point, you don't even know what to thin...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 04:50:00 PST

companionable lonelyness

bedevilment is pretty much the theme for last night. when i left home i was looking forward to be on my own. then surprisingly i got a room mate who changed my mind. then my friend from germany...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 01:20:00 PST

valentines day...und die alten daheim...

heute war valentinstag. eigentlich eine schreckliche sitte das. aber trotzdem wird man sentimental, wenn sich alle um den hals fallen und sich offiziell lieb haben etc.pp ich hab heute viel an meine ...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:34:00 PST

up coming shows...YESSSS

Feb 25th at Tinker Field, Orlando FL fucking TASTE OF CHAOS.....!!!! hell yeah! appearances: Deftones, Thrice, Atreyu, Story of the Year, As I lay Dying, Funeral for a Friend, The Recieving End of Si...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 09:01:00 PST

mister gott steht auf allen punkten.....

fynn "hallo mister gott, hier spricht anna"[...] die strassenlaterne erleuchtete das zimmer mit einem dämmerschein. sie legte den kopf in beide hände, beide ellbogen bohrten löcher in meine brust. ic...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

herr glück

eines nachts, als ich die augen schloss, besuchte mich ein traum. er sagte sein name sei "glück". ich fagte ihn, was ihn zu mir führte und betrachtete ihn skeptisch. "hast du mich denn gar nicht erwar...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ich bemerke es einfach nicht...

es frisst dich von innen auf und du bemerkst es nicht einmal. weiter und weiter lebst du dein leben und bekommst nicht mit wie es dich abtötet. eine lange, blutige spur ziehst du hinter dir her, doch ...
Posted by theSundanceKid on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

why did no one ask me if i wanted to be the way that i am?

i hate myself. i wish i was someone else or maybe it would have been better i was never born. god is not fucking perfect, he also does big mistakes and i was fucking one of them.
Posted by theSundanceKid on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST