music. movies. reading. road trips.
no one. really.
especially not:
- YOUR BAND. i added a few but don't really know why..guess you must've caught me on a good day. whatever, i'll never go to your shows or buy your cd's so i don't see any reasons to add you.
- ppl who send me friend requests and i have no idea who you are or why i would want to be your friend. the number of ppl on your friends list doesn't make you a better person, y'know? so if you have nothing to say to me...don't waste your time and mine.
*sighs* for the simple ones amongst you:
NO MESSAGE = NO ADD (this is getting pretty annoying..)
thx for readin'
quite a lot.
dogma. ring. saw. saw2. the matrix. from dusk till dawn. alien quadrologie. harry potter series. texas chainsaw massacre (2003 version). resident evil pt one and two. blade triologie. lord of the rings. pirates of the carribean 1&2. cruel intentions. leaving las vegas. trainspotting. indiana jones and the last crusade. the goonies
grey's anatomy. desperate housewives. sex and the city. six feet under. spongebob. the simpsons. the office. jonathan creek. extras. black books. southpark. futurama. stern tv /-reportage. bauer sucht frau. =D
david sedaris. shopaholic series by sophie kinsella. dave gorman. danny wallace. die dreizehneinhalb leben des käptän blaubär, rumo und die wunder im dunkeln, die stadt der träumenden bücher - all by walter moers. harry potter series by j.k. rowling.
jamie oliver of lps for talking more than anybody else on this planet (including me). sean kenny for being the coolest and kindest person of all time. everybody who keeps in touch.