Rieke profile picture


I don't know how to do this, but I'm here. :-)

About Me

Name: Rieke
Date of Birth: Dec 28th 1978
Birthplace: Wuppertal, Germany
Current Location: Dortmund, Germany
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 1.70m
Piercings: none
Tattoos: the Rasmus leave logo on my back
Band/Singer: The Rasmus, Hay & Stone
Song: Rusalka's Song to the Moon (from Dvorak's opera 'Rusalka')
Movie: Papa ante Portas (German comedy)
Disney Movie: Brother Bear (love the mooses)
TV show: The Simpsons
Color: blue
Food: Rheinischer Sauerbraten (German dish)
Pizza topping: rocket, Parma ham & Parmesan cheese
Ice-Cream Flavor: blueberry
Drink (alcoholic): beer
Soda: Orangina
Store: cd shop, musical instruments shop, Mercedes dealer
Clothing Brand: Esprit
Season: winter with a lot of snow
Month: December
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: white rose
Make-Up Item: eye liner
Board game: chess (but I really suck at playing)
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: day
Sour or sweet: sour
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: both
Hot or cold: hot
Most missed memory: walking through the forest and climbing hills in Norway
Hypothetical personality disorder: paranoia
Preferred type of plastic surgery: work out
Fairytale alter ego: the wolf who dresses like the grandma
Worst crime: too much imagination
Greatest ambition: giving my music to people who mean a lot to me
Greatest fear: hurting someone dear
Darkest secret: it will better remain a secret...
Favorite subject: music, languages
Worst habit: ironing everything
Do You:
Smoke: not anymore
Drink: not very much usually, sometimes
Curse: in my car, when (hopefully) nobody can hear me
Shower daily: usually
Like thunderstorms: they're cool to watch, if they don't get too close
Dance in the rain: in the summer, why not
Sing: yes
Play an instrument: yes, some
Get along with your parents: yes
Wish on stars: yes, but I don't really believe in this anyway
Believe in fate: no
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: just a tiny bit
Cook: yes but I hate it
Speak another language: yes, some
Dance: yes
Sing: yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: I am not going to try that now
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yes
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: no
Been in Love: yes
Skipped school: yes (maths for going home to play the violin)
Made prank calls: no
Sent someone a love letter: yes
Stolen something: no
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? arrogance
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? between 9 and 11 during the week and whenever during the weekend
Name three things you can't live without: music, family, friends
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? two brothers
Do you have any pets? no
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? of course not
What is you middle name? I don't have one
What are you nicknames? Schnucki, venefica
Are you for or against gay marriage? for
What are your thoughts on abortion? I can't and don't want to decide for others but I wouldn't be able to kill my child
Do you have a crush on anyone? sure
Are you afraid of the dark? yes very
How do you want to die? that's not up to me to decide
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? hmmm, maybe two?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? speeding (cost me 30€)
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: doesn't really matter
Eye color: I don't want to be superficial but green eyes make me forget my name
Height if I say between 1.70 and 1.80 now, my boyfriend will probably be very sad
Weight doesn't matter
Most important physical feature: hm... does voice count as a physical feature?
Biggest turn-off bad smell

My Interests

music: violin, piano, bass, clarinet, flute, vocals
languages: English, German, Latin, French, Norwegian, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Finnish
travelling: I love travelling to new countries. So far my favourites are Norway, Australia and Canada.
theatre: opera, drama, musical, cinema
fast cars: I love watching car races. My favourite cars are Mercedes SLR McLaren, McLaren F1 and Opel Speedster (not that fast, I know, but I love Opel).
mooses (They are just adorable.)

I'd like to meet:

I already met all three heroes of mine:
Eero Heinonen
Mika Häkkinen and
Crown Prince Haakon Magnus of Norway

(Okay, okay, if I'm really honest. Mika was just sitting behind me on a plane and I didn't even dare looking at him more than twice and Haakon was just driving past me in a car...)


a lot of different types actually, but to name a few favourites:
Classical: Puccini, Mozart, Grieg, Brahms, Dvorak
Rock: The Rasmus, Hay & Stone, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Molotov, Muse, Green Day, Apocalyptica


As long as it's not Romance, almost everything is fine by me.


I don't really like watching tv. I love movies though.


I like reading books in their original language because I don't want to rely on the translator's interpretation of the words. I cannot really name one specific book that I love most above all others though. I'm interested in a lot of different genres.


Eero "my heero" Heinonen