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Romy Schneider

In Loving Memory, Romy Schneider 23 Sep 1938-29 May 1982

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"on peut rester éternellement jeune si, chaque jour, on
s'enrichit de merveilleux moments. Je suis convaincue qu'à
la fin de sa vie, toutes ces souffrances et toutes ces
joies, les souvenirs, les bons comme les mauvais, nous
donnent une chaleur qui ressemble à celle que nous
donnent ceux qui nous aiment."Romy Schneider.
"...On pourrait dire qu'écrire un film pour elle, c'était d'abord l'écrire sur elle, sur sa peau, sur sa personne, en commençant par ce visage vierge où les pinceaux, les crayons, traçaient le début de l'histoire. Même et surtout sa voix, il fallait la colorier.
Sa voix était un paysage avec des ombres, des lumières, certains lointains, certaines tempêtes. Ensuite, le plaisir était de lui écrire, entre les répliques:'plus clair', 'plus rouillé', 'comme avec une fêlure à la fin de la phrase'...
Claude Sautet m'a rendu à moitié fou un soir, pendant 'César et Rosalie' je crois, en me demandant d'écrire sur six lignes la tombée du regard de Romy. Mais ce regard-là, c'était comme la tombée du jour..."
Jean-Loup Dabadie,scénariste et dialoguiste de"César et Rosalie"1972.


the sun was ready to wake with her
to kiss her upon her sallowed cheek
to shine upon her always
she asked for help, secretly
nothing seemed to change
and as she wept without restraint, she laughed
realizing that tears are just water
she still had a light burning in her room
she still had work to give her strength
but as the flame crackled in the silent air
the fire cracked within
and so on that operatic morn
the stars were released
the fire was brought into the church
the grey veil of mist was lifted
revealing her
in paris
it must have been all too much
that flashed before her mind’s eyes
like lightly falling war dust from above
like ash on wet, naked bodies
bonding and glimmering
did she have a chance to distinguish
through the density
[her parents united if only for that day she visited
the love who couldn’t face her as he broke her heart
her son climbing that fence
her daughter on her shoulders
the ten pieces of work she thought were pretty good
her real self emerging, slowly, from film to film
the country that called her a betrayer
the country that received her with open arms
men, money, mistreatment
and so on and so forth and so on and so forth and so on and so forth
no saint herself]
the pain so strange, so terrible
still she loved
has it really been five and twenty years
since that morn on the 29th of may
when another life laced with tragedy
was thieved away from the physical universe
crossing a golden bridge to Home
Found Sanctuary
she is not the first
nor is she the last
does greatness really know itself?
i marvel at that
© Lovelle Liquigan
Thursday, 24 May 2007
does it weigh on her conscience that she has killed
even though the one she killed
was herself
does her own ghost haunt her at night
even though she is her own ghost
what about her little girl
what is it like in limbo
what kind of ship is she sailing on
how many times did her heart break
until it broke completely
it was a heart attack
they said
even though there were
pills and alcohol
sleeping with her
no one knows the truth
only what is written
on the page
what is truth today
she could have taken her own life
no excuses are being offered
just wonderment
because she was so beautiful
so intelligent
tragic, honest
her smile was sunshine
her eyes were life
if that was her way to release
if that was what she believed she had to do
to let go
to forgive
if she sacrificed herself
for some inner cause
what can you say
but they said
she died from a heart attack
and it’s true
that one can die
from a broken heart
no matter how brave and beautiful
no matter how good and talented
intelligent, young
warrior, slave, superstar, blue-collar, scholar
a broken heart
can kill you
© Lovelle Liquigan
Tuesday, 11 April 2006
sad eyes
happy eyes
let’s talk for a little bit
trying to get the light
in between
but you say you’re nothing
except on the screen
do you haunt yourself
does your own ghost appear before you
was it really a broken heart
that stripped the beat away
what ghosts follow you
is there a way
for them to vanish
to wane
but you wanna keep those ghosts
isn’t that right
your son
he’s one of them
you followed him less than a year after
sad eyes
happy eyes
your smile breaks my heart
do you really believe
memories are the best things
in life
are you sailing on that boat
are you walking the dividing line
with the pills and the alcohol
coffee & cigarettes
making smoke rings
‘round your first real love
making smoke rings
‘round the memory of your boy
with the only faint sound
being your heartbeat
sad eyes
happy eyes
i swear if you had me
to listen to your silences
to let you remember
that you still had much love
to give, to share…
and YES
you were unhappy
and YES
you were lonely
and YES
it was dark
but, i swear
you would see the light
in between
and bask in your life now
realizing you are enough
more than enough
off that screen
if i only knew you…
© Lovelle Liquigan
Friday, 22 December 2006

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More Romy Clips-Photo Slide Shows

Posted by Romy Schneider on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 05:41:00 PST

Romy September 1954

Romy September 1954"Ich werde 16. Langsam werde ich alt. Jetzt ist es noch schön, älter zu werden. Da fangen die Leute an, einen allmählich ernst zu nehmen. Ein paar Jahre noch, dann möchte ich stehen...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:40:00 PST

.. denn sie ist ein absolutes Wesen, Claude Sautet über Romy Schneider

.. denn sie ist ein absolutes WesenClaude Sautet über Romy SchneiderIch begegnete ihr zum ersten Mal 1969, da war sie 31 Jahre alt. Ich drehte gerade LES CHOSES DE LA VIE, ich hatte von ihr gehört, wa...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:38:00 PST

Rosemarie..A Poem By Lovelle...

ROSEMARIE sad eyes happy eyes let's talk for a little bit trying to get the light in between but you say you're nothing except on the screen do you haunt yourself does your own ghost appear before you...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:18:00 PST

ROMY, A Poem By Lovelle Liquigan...

ROMY does it weigh on her conscious that she has killed even though the one she killed was herself does her own ghost haunt her at night even though she is her own ghost what about her children what i...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST

Hanna Schygulla über Romy Schneider

Es gibt Gesichter, auf denen man lange verweilen kann, Gesichter, in die man träumend versinkt, denn sie sind uns sehr nah und haben doch auch etwas von so fern Herkommendes, daß sie uns weit weg entf...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:23:00 PST


Romy Schneider (September 23, 1938 .. May 29, 1982) was born Rosemarie Magdalena Albach-Retty in Vienna into a family of actors that included her paternal grandmother Rosa Albach-Retty, her father Wol...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 07:14:00 PST


1953 Wenn der weiße Flieder wieder blüht, Evchen Forster1954 Feuerwerk, Anna Oberholzer1954 Mädchenjahre einer Königin, Viktoria1955 Die Deutschmeister, Konstanze Hübner1955 Der letzte Mann, Niddy Höv...
Posted by Romy Schneider on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 04:44:00 PST