*the rach* profile picture

*the rach*

i don't want to talk about jesus, i just want to see his face

About Me

"this above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou cans't not be false to any man." i try to live this as best i can. if you can't be real with yourself, then how can you meet anyone worth while in this life? when it comes to people i'm an idealist. i think everyone should get the chance to express themselves...but if you want to keep expressing, you have to earn that. integrity is easy to talk about, but hard to come by. i respect people that respect themselves.i'm pretty easy going and i love people with a sense of humor. i tend to say what's on my mind and i enjoy a good conversation.i love my friends and my family. they are always with me, and for that i'm very thankful. life is short, you should surround yourself with positivity and love. don't worry so much about the small stuff.natural settings are really important to me. i'm in awe of what i am surrounded with daily, and i try to conserve and respect that. climbing, hiking, skiing, boarding, fishing, kayaking, sports...i enjoy trying new things and am always game for a good adventure. these make the best stories...

My Interests

cooking and having people over for dinner. getting into politically charged conversations. volunteering with your mom. golfing like i'm in the masters. science and medicine. community education and outreach. telling jokes. making girls nervous. creating art. writing life stories. conducting psychological and philosophical studies. having fun! rocking out. rollerskating. fashion. nintendo. language and culture. building bikes. climbing mountains.

I'd like to meet:

Contact Table by MeMyspaceAndI.comi wish i could have met kurt godel because i'd like to talk to him about his imcompleteness theorems that he published when he was 25. it is amazing to me that some people are born and thrive with such a passion to discover, uncover, and create new and lasting things in this world. i hope one day to add something of my own. anish kapoor because he takes seemingly impenetrable objects and makes them beautiful in my eyes. i love when people create and test their limits both artistically and interpersonally. those are just two of many that possess talents i admire. i'd like to meet people that are genuine and kind. a keen sense of humor is key for me because without it, life is too predictable. women and men that enjoy the simple things. artistic, nerdy, happy creative people please! when it comes right down to it i love good food, stimulating conversation, good company, and a drink or two. that's pretty simple right?


iron and wine, bittersweet, radiohead, dj shadow, abba, brazilian girls, new pornographers, devo, mos def, iggy pop, Css, cut chemist, yeah yeah yeahs, matthew dear, the kinks. the furs. the frames. the knife, bob marley, pink martini, L7, mark ronson, atmosphere, boards of canada, the beatles, petshop boys, tori amos, deefhoof, nick cave and the bad seeds, firefox ak, new young pony club, talib kweli, bjork, MSTRKRFT, tracy chapman, billie holiday, architecture in helsinki, aesop rock, belle and sebastian, the rubes, calexico, daft punk, goldfrapp, antsy pants, goldwing, gotan project, silver jews, the presets, the pipettes, led zeppelin, the pixies, band of horses, sufjan stevens, stereolab, portishead, lily allen, digitalism, joy division, moldy peaches, the specials, shonen knife


lost in translation, usual suspects, wedding crashers, imagine you and me, four rooms, ginger and cinnamon, the year of living dangerously, henry and june, gray matters, grindhouse, happy accidents ...i love film. i like going to the broadway once in a while, drinking sparkling water, and seeing something just a little different. but as hip as that sounds, i am by no means too good to sneak in some whiskey and go to a dollar movie.


oh my god..do you know that they've brought back american gladiators? pure gold.


zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, me talk pretty one day, the bean trees, the curious incident of the dog in the night, dante's divine comedy, godel escher bach, the fountainhead, beyond good and evil,monkey wrench gang, death in venice, midnight in the garden of good and evil, recently i've read lots of law books, the alchemist, this side of paradise, women surgeons, the world is flat, memoirs of a geisha and nietzsche, lolita, reading lolita in tehran (brilliant), paradise lost, foxfire confessions of a girl gang, the celestine prophecy, paradise lost, daisy miller, washington square, life of pi, evaluative research methods, true believer, running with scissors, the age of innocence, madame bovary, the world is flat, frankenstein...it goes on and on


george eastman is my hero. jane goodall, for starting at the very bottom, working hard, and opening a world of science and peace to generations.

My Blog


i was angry.  and sad.  a brutal mix to the essence of who i am.  and what that is, i know very well.  i like who i am most of the time.  but you know life and the ever erosi...
Posted by *the rach* on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

haiku for you

a piece of me dies much as an ember in fire, when you see my rage  ...
Posted by *the rach* on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST


This new Orbit Lemon-Lime gum tastes just like the Gator Gum that was popular in the 1980s. I don't think they make Gator Gum anymore. You could only buy it at one small soccer store in my hometown, a...
Posted by *the rach* on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:31:00 PST

out of sync

i think i stole my title from an In Sync band member's autobiography.  but it fits perfectly for this.  out of sync can encompass a lot of things.  your mind, your life, your personalit...
Posted by *the rach* on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 07:10:00 PST

a piece of something snagged me today

  she runs her fingers past her mouth nonchalantly constantly biting imaginary things i float unnoticed in front of her relying on commotion to get my due....
Posted by *the rach* on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST


dust hit my face and permeated my pores in a way not unlike the water of a swimming pool; when you jump from the high dive, one foot in front of the other, marching slowly to the end, maybe holding yo...
Posted by *the rach* on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST


you pin the medals to your chestand settle down for seven minutes restyou dim the lights, administer the cureyou tried it several times, you're still not sureyou take the first one for freeand pass it...
Posted by *the rach* on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 08:39:00 PST

blueberry thief

we can only measure ourselves by our intentions.  to dissect that proclamation can lead to many different conclusions.  is it a question of morality?  how do we measure the code of con...
Posted by *the rach* on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:10:00 PST

if she wants me by belle and sebastian

I wrote a letter on a nothing dayI asked somebody "Could you send my letter away?""You are too young to put all of your hopes in just one envelope" I said goodbye to someone that I loveIt's not just m...
Posted by *the rach* on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:50:00 PST

basically i don’t know..

surrounded by sunshiny windows, everything still, like the dead flowers in front of me, a shock of redyelloworange. i sit undisturbed.  i am dead, the essence of my creativity and passion draine...
Posted by *the rach* on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:40:00 PST