Sara Louise Boo profile picture

Sara Louise Boo

I am here for Friends

About Me

I have packed a bag and moved to longer in aberdeeeeeen woooooooooooooo woooooooooooooo!!!..... x

My Interests

drinking, road trips, adventures, tv, playin music, listenin to music, running round in circles till im dizzy, going on holidays, my friends, stealing, shopping for random crap, getting drunk, flying, sweeties, cartoons, hats with bear ears, computer games, laughing, smiling, shouting, gigs, cute things, sandwiches especially the choco spread variety and now i cant think of anything else heehee

I'd like to meet:

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...and people who like to kiss hahahahahaha


a little bit of this and little bit of that, sorry to be a bit general


waynes world, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the goonies 'hey you guys', battle royale, leon, groundhog day, american pie, oldboy, house of flying daggers, american beauty, not another teen movie, spirited away, howls moving castle, shuan of the dead, labryinth, detroit rock city, drop dead fred haha, virgin suicides, mallrats 'fly fatass fly', aladdin, a night at the roxbury heehee there are heaps more that i cant remember


my mum she rocks! she's a crazy asian if i dont say shes my hero, she will cook me and feed me to the orphans (i know im going hell ah well good times.)