Kety profile picture


...Dance first. Think later...

About Me

hello svima... Ja sam Katarina, zvana Kety:-) što da ukratko kažem o sebi? ok... Imam 20 godina i studiram na FTHM-u, na drugoj godini i iskreno se nadam da cu stici do pete... Ono što me najviše ispunjava u mom životu su prijatelji i ples. Bavim se plesom vec 11. godinu i nadam se da ce on zauvijek ostati dio mog života. Obožavam treninge, putovanja, nastupe, seminare, ljude iz plesne grupe jer su oni moja druga obitelj. ah da, plešem u plesnoj grupi Flame... Otkad znam za sebe, glazba je bila dio mog života i sada više ne mogu zamisliti život bez pokreta i glazbe ( iako se najviše nalazim u hip-hopu i r'n'b-u, volom poslušati sve na šta se može gibati )... I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep for words...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

To dance is to be out of yourself... Larger, more beauthiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on Earth and it is yours for the taking. You know you are dancing when tears of pain and happiness blend with your sweat...a

I'd like to meet:

Whoever wants 2 meet me :).. Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!


Hip hop, r´n´b


Step up, You got served, Dirty Dancing, Honey...


CSI, Grey's anatomy...


My mom