Tojo profile picture


Who want pancakes? I want pancakes...

About Me

I know that they say that sum thingz are better left unsaid but I rarely can keep my mouth shut...
Born on 17th january of 1988 and raised in Rijeka, Croatia. As a youngsta, in 13th year of life, started to listen rap and fell in love with hip-hop. In bout 14th year started to write own lyrics inspired by the great rap and hip-hop names of that time, mostly for fun when there was nothing else to do. Few years later, as 17 year old, got in touch with Rijeka's rap scene and with that the interest for work I've been doing is starting to grow and the things that were only for fun are starting to get a little serious. Progress was here but I still needed help over my work and directions in the right way so with help from DJ Knockout, one of the pioneers of Rijeka's rap scene, I went in right direction using bigger words, better lines and catching up with the olders members of the scene. For a long time writing lyrics is all that I did with freestyling alone in the room practicing the style and flow of my own rhymes.
In the year of 2007. recording first song after months of canceling and lack of free time and honestly a lack of determination. But after I record it everything was a little bit easier when I got a pretty good reviews and I was satisfied with work I've done. After a long time waiting from the first song finnaly encouraged myself to hit the studio again to record two new songs. After one of them was sounding better than me and my homeboy Zent were expecting we decided to originate the rap group ZiggZagg who's name was simply describing us two as people - never too long at one place, always in motion, always doing something jumping from one place to another. But group didn't last long, we went further with our own namez as solo artists but still workin together on lyrics and planing sum shit for the future.
A more than few months lack of time. Lack of cash for studio. Lack of every fuckin thing that's needed except tons of paper with hundreds of bars. Thinkin bout stop all the fuctions inlcluding that rap shit, the side on that that I haven't even realy started, but few big wordz from sum people which are closer to me started to write even more often. Except new shit soon on the muthafuckin myspace.
Btw, I want to holla at my peoples - my younger brother Daz, Mikich, Vale, Jojo, Dizzy, Enchi, Jason, Suicide, Denno, Master, Gotich, Deki, Bago, Nanny Fran-Yo, Nani Davis, Zent ofcourse n all tha bitch ass muthafuckerz I forgot to mention in here, ya digg?
And to continue big up for all the new males and females, boys and girls and all the others who has just fell in love with hip-hop like I did and just started to work in any segment of the culture and ones that fell in love with it a long time ago and lately encouraged themselves to show the world what they got in their souls, in their mind and even in their body. Just keep up, stay up and do you thing. Now. Always. Forever. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something you like and love. Trust me, I'm your biggest fan. And I ain't lying. I ain't that cocky one who thinks that he's the best. I'm just the one of many who wanna be the best. Or at least the one of them. Stay fly yo...
MSN []

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2007
Influences: °° AtMoSpHeRe °°
°° AnDrE NiCkAtInA °°
°° AnDrE HiCkS °°
°° BlAcKsTrEeT °°
°° BDP °°
°° BeAnIe SiGeL °°
°° BuStA RhYmEs °°
°° BoNe CrUsHeR °°
°° BoNe ThUgZ °°
°° CaM'rOn °°
°° CaPpAdOnNa °°
°° ChAmIlLiOnAiRe °°
°° ClIpSe °°
°° CoMmOn °°
°° CyPrEsS HiLl °°
°° DaViD BaNnEr °°
°° DeAd PrEz °°
°° DiLlAtEd PeOpLeS °°
°° DiZzIe RaScAl °°
°° DoEy RoCk °°
°° ErIc SeRmOn °°
°° FaBoLoUs °°
°° GaNgStArR °°
°° GhOsTfAcE KiLlAh °°
°° GrAySkUl °°
°° GZA °°
°° GiNuWiNe °°
°° Hi-TeK °°
°° HuRrIcAnE ChRiS °°
°° JaE MiLlZ °°
°° JuElZ SaNtAnA °°
°° JoE BuDdEn °°
°° JiM JoNeS °°
°° KeAk Da SnEaK °°
°° KaZ KyZaH °°
°° KRS-OnE °°
°° LiL' FlIp °°
°° LiL' WaYnE °°
°° LuNiZ °°
°° Ll CoOl J °°
°° LuDaCrIs °°
°° MaCk10 °°
°° MeMpHiS BlEeK °°
°° MeThOd MaN °°
°° MeSsY MaRv °°
°° M.O.P. °°
°° MoBb DeEp °°
°° MoS DeF °°
°° NaTe DoGg °°
°° NaS °°
°° OnYx °°
°° PeTe RoCk °°
°° PhArElL °°
°° PhArOaHe MoNcH °°
°° PuBlIc EnEmY °°
°° PrOoF °°
°° PiTtBuLl °°
°° RaH DiGgA °°
°° RaEkWoN °°
°° ReDmAn °°
°° ReMy Ma °°
°° RuN DMC °°
°° RZA °°
°° SnOoP DoGg °°
°° T.I. °°
°° TaLiB KwElI °°
°° TeCh N9nE °°
°° ThE GaMe °°
°° TuRf TaLk °°
°° ThE TeAm °°
°° TiMbAlAnD °°
°° ToNy ToUcH °°
°° ThA DoGg PoUnD °°
°° XzIbIt °°
°° YoUnGbLoOdZ °°
°° YoUnG JeEzY °°

Sounds Like: Just listen...!-START Code to Center Band Profile in One Single Centered Column-!:

!-END Code to Center Band Profile in One Single Centered Column-!:
Record Label: STG
Type of Label: Indie