Stan Bush
night of the living dead, time bandits, kickboxer, the good the bad and the ugly, falling down, star wars, uzumaki, commando, superman, blood simple, pi, donnie darko, escape from alcatraz, stand by me, full metal jacket, army of darkness, evil dead I and II, punch drunk love, ghost in the shell, sin city, henry:portrait of a serial killer, vampire hunter d, lost in translation, fargo, die hard, the neverending story, usual suspects, clerks, breaking away, platoon, requiem for a dream, big trouble in little china, friday, ghost dog (anything by jim jarmusch), the dark crystal, labyrinth, the explorers, the goonies, to kill a mockingbird, the cowboys, the searchers, ghostbusters, what about bob, the ring, battle royale, band of brothers, rambo trilogy, the karate kid I-II, the running man, the corporation, supersize me, spellbound....
catcher in the rye, a wrinkle in time, h.p. lovecraft, shel silverstein, carlos castaneda, cormac mccarthy, bill bryson, brief history of time, harry potter, kurt vonnegut, berenstein bears, mad magazine, stephen king, the rum diaries, angels and demons