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Alcanzando las Almas Un Sello a la Vez -=- Reaching the Souls one stamp at a time

About Me

Miembro de La Red Internacional de Ministerios de Prisiones
THIS SITE IS TO SHARE WITH YOU OUR MINISTRY/ESTA PAGINA ES PARA COMPARTIR NUESTRO MINISTERIO CON USTED. I am a humble servant of the Lord, who owes so much to God that I feel convicted that I could never repay the debt he paid on the cross. To I live in his Grace and led by the Comforter he sent to guide, lead, teach and accompany me. I have a cousin Rev. Abe Donato who is a prison minister, my brother Rev. Milton E. Donato has served the Lord his entire life. As a preacher, pastor, teacher missionary, and now as President of the largest Spanish Christian Radio network, RADIO VISION CRISTIANA of Paterson, NJ and tranmitting in various states and countries on the western hemisphere. I was a member of the Iglesia Pentecostal Amparo Divino of Staten Island, NY. I have moved to PA and have gone through many personal, physical and financial setbacks but I stand with my eyes set on that cross which bore the redeemer and has given me the strength to go on. God has allowed me to be an assistant to the Pastor, Church Treasurer, Honored and elected Delegate representing my church in the Council's Annual Conventions, Sunday School Teacher of various levels and ages, Bible Basics facilitator, I have been part of a Track writing and printing ministry, Lord blessed me in doing praise and worship also, the enemy tries to defeat, but He who is in us is GREATER! I love to mention Rev. Ruben Martinez and his wife Nilda, who prophetisized over the ministry that the Lord has given me the blessing of founding, the Prison Vision Ministry, which is a Correspondence ministry to Inmates in prisons in the USA and around the world. I have been involved with many inmates who have been incarcerated because of lack of adequate defense or sufficient money. Like Pedro Gonzalez of Florida who passed away practically rotting in prison because of a system that allows those with money to get a preference. He died in 2006 after many attempts by his parents, friends and myself to let him go home to die. There will be a blog added here describing his life. If interested in know more about this youg man write to his mother Gonzalez, c/o Rodriguez, 3501 Grand Prix Drive, Sebring, FL 33872. Also David Donato (no relation) of New York stood convicted because of a prejudice judge and the state has turned a deaf ear and blind eye on this young man. Kevin Keith of Ohio who was imprisoned maybe for being Black and poor. Brother Keith has gotten some assistance by the chance of the DNA sampling, so I think he may have a new trial. I am only mentioning these because I would not have SPACE in My Space to bring you every inmate's story. There are many who also know they did wrong and have accepted the judgement, but remain reassured and believe that the King of Kings and Judge of Judges has forgiven them and they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. He has allowed me to have had the Voices from behind Prison Walls, voice room. I also did a Spanish presentation on Saturdays from 1 to 5 pm Eastern Time on PalTalk.[Confinados, Libre con Cristo] Which I will do again as soon as I can get my schedule together. IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME PLEASE CONTACT ME!
Soy Solamente un siervo de Dios, el me dio el privilegio de comnenzar este ministerio, con un amigo mio que callo preso. Lo estaba haciendo como un pasa tiempo, pero el me hablo y me puso en el camino. Me dijo que el tenia piedras preciosas enteradas. Adonde? pregunte. El me dijo en las carceles y prisiones. Yo quiero que tu me las sacudas y las brílles. Empeze con este amigo, el le dijo a otro, y otro le dijo a otro. Hoy en dia cuento con mas de 300 nombres por las prisiones en muchos de los estados de EU, PR, africa y europa. Aunque yo no puedo ir fisicasmente, mi sobre, carta y mensaje por la Gracia y la Gloria de El, llegan a estas almas quien muchas estan buscando mas de Dios, y no tienen familias, amistades o ministros para ayudar y enseñarles. No pido ofrenda porque eso no mi motivo, yo quiero pasar el manto a hermanos y hermanas que quieran hacer el trabajo del Señor y no saben por donde empezar. Aunque quiero seguir en el ministerio pero escribiendo 200 o mas cartas al mes no es facil, con la ayuda de otros puedo concentrar en escribir o traducir testimonio para la Gloria de Dios. Naci en el campo misionero (Cuba) mientras mis padres fueron missioneros alla por 17 años. He hechos un poco de todo para mi Señor y Salvador, fui parte del ministrio La Trompeta escribia y traducia tratados y testimonios de siervos de Dios. Fui tesoero de mi iglesia, delegado de mi iglesia para la conferencia de concilio, fui tambien for la gracia de Dios maestro de las Escuela Biblica en muchos niveles y edades, presidente de la Sociedad de adultos, y pude facilitar algunos estudios especiales come de bautismo y La Biblia en basico. Todo esto le doy la Gracia a mi Dios por haber podido ser util para el. Tambien le doy gracias a mis Dios por ser hermano de Rev. Milton Donato, que ha sido presidente de Radio Vision Cristiana por muchos años. I am also a member of UCFM, IMPM Please check out the Ministerial Training Center by clicking below: ..
UCFM Evangelistic Association Training Center
Ministerio de prisiones en PR
Prison Ministry in PR - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics - Extended Network Banner Maker
How I made my profile:
I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .

My Interests

Run On the Blind Boys of Alabama:
Do you the Lord's Prayer?
This 3 year old does.......

I'd like to meet:

YO ESTOY AQUI PARA COMPARTIR ESTE MINISTERIO CON TODOS LOS SANTOS QUE ESTEN INTERESADO EN HACER ALGO PARA LAS ALMAS QUIEN ESTAN DETRAS LAS REJAS. No estoy para cosas politicas, si no es edificante para mi espiritu o ministerio, no lo quiero oir! I AM HERE TO SHARE THIS MINISTRY WITH ALL THOSE SAINTS WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED IN HELPING TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE SOULS BEHIND THE BARS. I am not her for political issues unless they have to do with religious freedom, spiritual edification or the prison ministry. Joaquin Donato PO Box 383 Northumberland, PA 17857<>


My personal likes varies according to the message the song has. I was blessed to have grown up in a Praise and worship home. My brother Rev. Milton E. Donato who played the piano, my mother Ruth Donato who played organ and accordian. It seems that the family has that Gospel blood in them. My cousin, Rev. Abe Donato of Danville, PA is a Prison Pastor and singer. I prefer hymns with a Christian relationship message and Salvation. Favorites are many but include: Personally I don't like rap or reggaeton or any thing that is repetative. But I DON'T take away from presenting it to the masses, because he made us fishers of men. We fish them, let him clean them. Let us not condemn. Mi familia fueron y son ministros, de musica, de iglesias, de misiones, y a mi me gusta todo tipo de musica Crisitana despues que no sea rap o reggaeton. Pero no condeno el uso Cristiano de ellos para traer las almas al Señor. Requerde somos los pescadores de las almas, es Cristo y El Espiritu Santo que tienen que ser la obra y cambio en los corazones y almas de ellos. Yo he sido bendecido por muchos hermanos y familias con las musica de Dios. La familia Dones, hermanitas Rivera, La familia Libbey que menciono unas cuantas veces aqui. Como Cepeda, Velasquez, Feliciano, Sanabria, los trios cada uno de ellos tiene su ritmo y su madera de presentar la musica cristiana. Cada cultura tiene su musica. Algunos de los himno favoritos mios son: Nadie pudo amarme como Cristo
Cuan Grande es El,

En El Monte Calvario, Mi Dios es Real, Sumergeme, Cuando el Vino a mi Corazon, Sembrare, Los Niños son de Cristo, Los Pioneros de Pentecostes, Somos el pueblo de Dios, EL mundo no es mi Hogar
Como Podre Estar Triste, Por unos Jovenes Tropical, no todos estan haciendo maldades.
Cuando alla de pase lista. Son muchos no ya tinta ni tiempo, le queria dar una breve lista. No ever cared for me like Jesus; Precious Lord, Take my Hand; The old Rugged Cross; It Took A Miracle; Blessed Assurance; Remind me, Dear Lord;
I Go To The Rock
My God is Real; Oh How I Love Jesus; The Love of God; I can only Imagine; Search me Oh God; In Times Like These; His Eye is on the Sparrow; What A Friend we have in Jesus; When the Roll is called up yonder; MY EARLY INFLUENCES Libbey Family Band,
Carmen Sanabria, George Beverly Shea, Deborah Velasquez, Blackwood Brothers Quartet, The Blind Boys of Alabama, The Haven of Rest Quartet, Fred Hammond, Mahalia Jackson to mention a few. There were many who shaped my love for music along with those mentioned. There were many but I don't to bore you. Let me finish by mentioning Bobby Medina, John Starnes, Gospel Hour Singers, The Goodman family, Carman, Davilita, Merari Castro, Marino, Blest of Florida, Jesus Adrian Romano, Mighty Clouds of Joy, Ramon Gonzalez, Cindy Lopez, Gilbert Forteau of Venezuela, Marcos Witt, Michael Willliams of SI, NY and my Cousin Abe Donato. Here are songs some I enjoy regularly:

"Me ha tocado" he touch me Stanislao Marino

Tremenda voz que Dios le a dado Al hermano Marino.

Brother Michael Williams of Staten Island, NY Holy Holy Holy
..The Great Lady of Gospel:

I want to share a song and short story from the another singing family
The Happy Goodman.
Vestal & Howard Goodman - With You


Left Behind, The Story of the Apostle Paul, Donato and daughter, The King of Kings site. , anything with Sidney Poitier


Very little time to watch TV but Religious, Science, Travel, Discovery, Educational, History, News & Sports.This is important to watch----> FORGIVEN


The Bible (King James Version),
La Biblia(version de La Reina Valera),
Books on Biographies, Sports and Bible Studies are special to me,
I love to read the magazine ACTS & FACT by ICR.
Books that I remember from the top of head,
Charting the End Times-Tim LaHaye,
Giving and Tithing-Larry Burkett,
That You May have Life-Larry Deason,
My Heart's Desire-David Jeremiah,
A Vine Grows in Brooklyn-Eric S. Rodko,
Journey to the Well-Vasthi M. McKenzie,
Broken Off Flowers and Blown out Candles-Larry Deason,
Understanding the New Testament-Kee/Young/Froehlich,
The Wishing Jar-Penelope J. Stokes,
Left Behind-Tim LaHaya/Jerry B. Jenkins,
Cults and New Religions-John Ankerberg/John Weldon,
Revolution in World Missions-K.P.Yohanman,
The Source of My Strength-Charles Stanley,
Nicolae-Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins,
El Ministro, Su Persona y Sus Luchas- Kittim Sila con Israel Suarez,
Written on the Wind-Judith Pella,
And ENOCH also prophesied-Dr. Gene Scott,
Because I Love You-Alice Joyce Davidson,
When God doesn't make sense-Dr. James Dobson,
Becoming One-Don Meredith,
The Eternal Purpose and Plan of God-Larry Deason/Bill Bean,
Llamada Por Su Gracia-Carmencita Vale Ramos,
One Step Closer to Jesus-Larry Deason,
A letter to the Hebrew-William Barclay,
Centro America en Nuestro Corazon-Marta A. de Figueroa,
Manual de la Vida en el Espiritu-Juan Radhames Fernandez,
there are many more that I can't remember now but I have read many books please remember that books, magazine and newspapers were the main source or education and entertainment until the 60's.
I have been part of writing, reprinting, translating, doing art work, layouts and distributing religious posters, brochures, tracts and cards.
I have been blessed to do the testimony and tracts for Rev. Efraim Ruiz, Rev. Abraham Clemente, Rev. Edwin Ariezaga, Gilberto Gonzalez, Victor Valentin, Walter Torres, Raul Rodriguez, Yenny M. Fernandez, Rafael Echevarria, Marta Quinones, Jose y Gladys Tejada, Rev Hadee Pagan, Eduardo Navedo, Henry Riquelme, Miguel Cortes, Diana Rivera, Nestor P. Hurtado, Rene Velasquez, Robert Curran, Carl W. Sanders, Pedro Lopez, Herman Cruz and many more men and women of God. I will in the future put the titles on this page.


My Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, my parents, Ruth and Meliton Donato, my Brothers Milton and Michael Donato, my son Jack and daughter Tanya, my aunt Harriet, my uncle Benny, Rev. Juan L. Lugo, Rev. Luis M Ortiz, Rev. Teodoro Marrero, Rev. Jose Rivera Montalvo, Rev. Yiye Avila, Reverendo Jorge Raschke, my cousin Abelardo Donato, La familia Dones con su musica de crei. Deborah, Merrari, Carmen, muchos trios, Davilita, Rev. Andy Rosado, my cousin Rev. Belen & Margarita Hernandez, my aunt Baldomera, Rev. Billy Graham. Rev. Oral Roberts, Rev Efrain Ruiz, Rev. Abelardo Berrios, Rev. Ricardo Tañon, Rev. Arcenio Valentin, Pastora Leo "Mama" Rosado, Rev. Belen Hernandez, Rev. Dr. Jose Caraballo, Rev. Manuel Valentine, Rev. Miguel Angel Rivera, Rev. Pedro Juan Alvarado-PR, Pastor Joel Osteen, Rev. Esteban y Sharon Anderson-Florida. There are many Heros of the Faith and friends that were instrumental in my upbringing and friends like Rev. Dr. Hector Chiesa, Rev. Kittim Silva and his wife, Rev. Eli & Evelyn Martinez, Rev. Jose González, my mind is not remembering them but I thank my God for them....

My Blog


Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have merc...
Posted by Joaquin on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:49:00 PST


Uno de mis mayores deseos, y por lo que lucho dia a dia es, tener un corazón conforme al de Dios. Sé que no es una tarea fácil pero si David en aquel tiempo lo logró, con todas sus limitaciones, compl...
Posted by Joaquin on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 02:36:00 PST


¿Por qué es tan importante Perdonar? El Caso de "Amargalina" Amargalina es una cristiana "brava." Pobre Amargalina siempre esta en conflictos con los demás. Hay contiendas constantes con su esposo, su...
Posted by Joaquin on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:29:00 PST

Brain Dead inmate denied early release

Brain-dead inmate denied early releaseScott SmithRecord Staff Writer September 23, 2008 STOCKTON - A judge Monday blocked the compassionate release of Jackson Phaysaleum, a brain-dead inmate from Sto...
Posted by Joaquin on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:57:00 PST

A Mercilesss Justice by Carol Steiker

Carol Steiker: A merciless justice Pubdate: 14 Sept 08 Source: Dallas Morning News Contact: [email protected] Website: Webpage:
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:29:00 PST


AFÁN FILIPENSES 4:6-7 6 Por nada estéis afanosos, sino sean conocidas vuestras peticiones delante de Dios en toda oración y ruego, con acción de gracias.7 Y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendi...
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:05:00 PST

La Fe y El Temor No Pueden Existir Juntos!!!!!

Dios habló repetidamente a los dirigentes de Israel sobre la fe y el temor. Se les dijo firmemente que confiaran en Dios y que no mostraran temor hacia otros dioses o hacia sus enemigos: "Sed fuertes ...
Posted by Joaquin on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:14:00 PST


DECLARACION DE FE Ministerio de Correspondencia PrisonVision Ministry Joaquin Donato, Sr. - Fundador   Creemos que la biblia es la Palabra inspirada de Dios, sin error en los manuscritos original...
Posted by Joaquin on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:45:00 PST


por ASI COMO JUZGAZ SERAS JUZGADOPor tanto dejando las enseñanzas elementales acerca del Mesías, avancemos hacia la madurez, no echando otra vez el fundamento del arrepentimiento de obras muertas y de...
Posted by Joaquin on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:17:00 PST

La Mujer y Jesus

Date: Sep 6, 2008 5:23 PMEl propósito de este mensaje no es sobresaltar a la mujer sobre los hombres; pero tampoco podemos seguir viviendo creyendo que los hombres son superiores a las mujeres; sino q...
Posted by Joaquin on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:32:00 PST