The Tomato of Fury profile picture

The Tomato of Fury

I am here for Friends

About Me

BANDS: DO NOT WRITE TO ME OR ADD ME! I AM NOT INTERESTED! (not that they will actually read my profile but whatever) Please also write to me BEFORE you request me as a friend or there is no way I will add you. Now onto my narcissistic rambling... I am a chill gal. I am dorky because my sense of humor is a bit tweaked. I actually laugh at really corny jokes (example: does your nose run? do your feet smell? because if so, I think you are upside down! yeah i laughed for a week) I am very honest and will always say what I am thinking, not that everyone appreciates it. I joke a lot so its hard to take me seriously, but I am NEVER sarcastic. (heehee) anyways even though I am a dork (a cool one, but still a dork), at least I am a snazzy dresser. I wrestle people who are willing and will never admit defeat (or da arms heeheehee). I get all my aggression and frustration out physically, so don't get mad if I at least try to beat you down. On a more positive note, the fact that i get out all that crap means that I am a generally happy person. However, I am insanely loyal so if you mess with anyone I love, I will have to kill you. I am way too energetic and I talk WAY too much, but I have a lot to do and a lot to say and it all comes from a good place :) .. Myspace Layout

My Interests

what like I have time to have interests??? ummm...I like working out. Gymnastics was my passion for a long time, but now I am content to coach. Muay Thai kickboxing is my current infatuation! I absolutely LOVE it!,I am also thinking of starting jiu jitsu (hehe how cool would it be for me to fight MMA?:-p) I just started surfing and I already am addicted! I love my new board and I love being out there in the water! running, dancing, etc. (I like to move it, move it. I like to shake it, shake it) I love reading good books, listening to good music, watching good movies, but my taste may differ from most. I like photography even though I kinda suck (my photos of gymnastics, on the other hand, kick some serious butt) hmmmm...eating is always fun. I love almost every sport, but somehow being little is usually a disadvantage. I like dancing at Goth/Industrial clubs where the butt grind isn't necessary. I just like to have fun (whatever that entails)( it usually entails some spanking) (jk) (no, no i am not) (ok yes I am joking) (well...maybe)

I'd like to meet:

anyone who is fun, intelligent, can laugh at themself (and others :) ) and can deal with a chatty girl...also, I am HIGH energy and looking for people who can keep up! I like people who are honest, dorky, intelligent, open-minded, well-read, loyal, caring, thoughtful, well-spoken, and have a sense of humor. You don't have to be ALL of them, but you should aspire to it :) I like people who are upfront, I get pissed off at passive aggression. For some reason bluntness is often seen as assholish behavior, but I don't think so (in fact, I find it an attractive trait). I just like people who DO things. Hike, go to concerts, go to movies, go out to get good food, etc. Sitting around all the time gets really boring! Also, a guy with a teardrop tattooed under his eye.


oh gosh...everything. right now my rio karma is playing Panic! at the disco, Styx (they are GOOD!), Kansas (Carry on my Wayward son), System of a Down, whitesnake, Tsotsi soundtrack, Amadou et Mariam, Ishtar (to dance around to), TMRevolution, Gogol Bordello (insanely good live!), Metric, The Crimea, CocoRosie, The Scorpions, Imogen Heap, The Sword, Black Sabbath, anything Journey, and two songs that have been stuck in my head forever 1. War...Uggghhh...what is it good for? absolutely nothing y'all! 2. So you wanna be kung foo fighting? doodoo doodoo doodoo as lightning...doodoo doodoo dooodoo doodoo. ok I will stop now


I LOVE MEL BROOKS!!! He is a genius! Anything by him is amazing ESPECIALLY Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. I also love Monty Python and anything by Terry Gilliam (i.e. Brazil, Twelve Monkeys, fear and loathing in las vegas) Of the recent movies I thought Swimming Pool was really good and anything by Pedro Almodovar. I also felt it might be necessary to add that I absolutely LOVED Secretary. I think maybe that explains a lot. I also love the Marx brothers! Its classic stuff! I laughed so hard at the crowded bedroom scene from A Night at the Opera that my stomach hurt for a week. ah dammit now I am giggling. Ong Bak was bad-ass the way I wish I was. New favorites include: Eureka (Japanese movie), and Bride and Prejudice is my go-to happy-making cannot watch that movie and not smile. oh yeah, and kung fu hustle. Thank you for Smoking was absolutely HILARIOUS!!! and Brick was good too!


I watch when i have time and something looks interesting, but I try not to get chained to the TV once a week. on DVD I love Freaks and Geeks, South Park, Ali G, The Office (British version), and recently Drawn Together ( I was skeptical, but its pretty damn funny. I also watch The Ultimate Fighter reality show and ALL of the UFC, PrideFC, and K1 fights. I like PrideFC the best :)


Everything is illuminated-Jonathan Safran Foer; the adventures of Kavalier and Clay-Michael Chabon; Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy; The Corrections-Jonathan Franzen; Anything by Margaret Atwood; Stuff by Miguel de Unamuno; No Exit-Sartre; Confederacy of Dunces-John Kennedy Toole; The Kojiki; Anything by Dorothy Parker; and recently Piers Anthony and George R.R. Martin (They will make a fantasy nerd of me yet);I am always open to suggestions, but keep in mind that no matter how entertaining it is, I don't consider Harry Potter to be intellectually stimulating. (sorry to all you potterfreaks)(The Da Vinci Code wasn't either so poop on you)


Tony Jaa (his hotness is topped only by his bad-ass skills), my dad (the most intelligent person i know with the absolute worst sense of humor, which unfortunately i find hilarious), and yer mom...cause she is Jamie Lee Curtis (HAHAHAHAHA) and her:

My Blog

A Little Bit Racist

This is from the musical Avenue Q. I think it deserves a blog.Princeton:Say, Kate, can I ask you a question?Kate Monster:Sure!Princeton:Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs?Kate Monster:Uh huh.Prin...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:00:00 PST

Dead Man's Party

the players: me. the boxer. knocked out in the last round...permanently. The other fighter was supposed to throw the fight in my favor...bastard. my lady. the prom queen. strangled to death by th...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:27:00 PST

why I dislike being called 'cute'

this is an excerpt from an article by Ayelet Waldman, who is an amazing fiction writer and is married to Michael Chabon, another freaking AMAZING fiction writer (go read The Adventures of Kavalier and...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:33:00 PST

Johari Window

lets find out
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:08:00 PST


My dad pointed this one out to me :) so true, so true. ...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 09:27:00 PST

because i love it es go watch it now!
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:43:00 PST

requisites for the next person i date

ok since other people have made their lists of what they want in a member of the opposite sex, here is mine: 1. I need to be attracted to him.  It is not about how 'good-looking' the person is, i...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 04:20:00 PST

another decision i have come to*EDITED*

so yeah...exes can't be friends. i figure, you broke up for a reason, and that will probably be the reason you can't be friends.  Saying that you realize that you weren't meant for each other isn...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:06:00 PST

Dinner Party Photo Blog!!!

'The night was as sparkling as the champagne that flowed. The guests were dressed to the hilt in their evening finery.' CHEERS! It was Dalia! In the kitchen! With her fist! The picture ...
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 01:23:00 PST

Christmas for us Jews

Movie-going and Chinese food.
Posted by The Tomato of Fury on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 08:32:00 PST