DeBaUcHeRy SaInT666 profile picture

DeBaUcHeRy SaInT666


About Me

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If you dont like what you read then dont read it! I am very extream in what I belive. I take a passion in pissing off every cunt known to god.
i hate this man "JHON LEE CLARY" a cunt and a pedofile. he is the scum not me!! I am anti religon or should I say I am against the church and it's weak minded followers. You are the shit on my shoes..... i groue up in Sunderlnad, cuasing shit and nicking car's and geting wasted. at the age of 14 i was in police care for burgulry and car crime's. i was in a gang, fighting, robbing. i was a lil cunt!
My first band!!! I was in a group called !!!!RED EYED FLYES!!!! and for most people who know it, this brings back good and bad memorys!!!!
The band was hard core punk metal. We got bard from every venue we playd at. The local music scean would not support us because it was becoming over run with wigger's and nigger's, hip hop and R,N,B. So we took all the back door gigs and party's but we soon became targets for the anti racist league and other fuck's like that. The name (R,E,D E,Y,E,D F,L,Y,E,S)
As you can probably, tell it was a hard core skin head band. I was a cunt and I hated every thing that wasnt white British. In 2001 the band stood accused in court of aspiring to blow up the mosk in Sunderland!! I still stress to this day we where set up! We did not do it. Thay sed we stle a British Gas van and loded this with gas canisters and led a rubber pipe throw a letter box of the mosck with do not cros baries at ether side it was suposed to explod when a charge was sent in the gas filled room from a 20meter wire.....During this time I had gone to another band called Subtill Death which had Steve from EXPLOITED in and Len from ZERO with a lad called
YOYO a.k.a Herman Li

(because I could never remeber his name!He was in the band for 7 month then went back to where he came from for a holiday but was qworenteended for having bird floor or some shit so we kiked him out the band as he could not get back for 3 months.... He turnd out to be the gutair player in Dragon Force!!! The band ended up in the guter because I wound up in the nick. The police had been on my back for a long time since I was a lil kid always saying I had been nicking cars and robbing peolpe. And some time's I had. I spent most of my time boxing, writing lyric's and book's, as well as geting as fucked out of my lil skull as possible. But that's all there is when you know your going away. You stress and get all deep and shit. They finaly got me for unpaid fines and sent me to Durham nick on a lil vacation because they coudn't prove any thing else. But after jail and a lil spot of time spent chilling and geting my head together in Newqauy england I found who I was and what I wanted, and yes i am a surfer... this seams to suprise people... what do you think i do spend all my time hanging and fucking nuns!!
I started in life on the wrong path. I always had an obssesion with gangster's, murder's and world leader's.
You can argue and say Manson killed the kids in all his school shoot outs, but it's not, it was the bullies and teacher's saying "ya anit gonna be shit". And Family's that spend all there time fighting and are always at work.
My famly wasnt like that my Mum did work all the time so i lived with my Nan and my stepdad (who is my real dad I, dont class my sperm doner as a farther figure. My step dad worked away on night shift's so I never saw him, I was kind of left to play with the dogs in the street or the local kids but my Nan lived in a geto or a rough housing estate so my life growing up was hard. ("One of my first memorys was of this bitch named Claire who triked me in to going behined a electric box with her then some older kids tide me up and striped me naked and wiped me with bamboo sticks while thay tuck photos") I got a lot of shit from older kids and there parents and teachers because of my real dad!!(Davey Leach) A.K.A SKIN HEAD, WIFE BEATER, DRUG ADDICT, Want to be GANGSTER, AND TO TOP IT OF! "MURDERER". This man beat my mum so bad, he broke her bone's and then stamped on my lil sister till she was dead. He then got arrested for murdering 2 police officer's and spent the rest of his days in jail until someone hung him.
This effect on my life lead to the name of one of my best demo's!(Leach's) named after the murderer and farther I never knew. I was mad to feel like some Marilyn Manson. peolpe have said I will be the next big bad thing to happen to this world. All because I make music. I make music to murder to!! Where do's all the hate sporn from !! Well i never forget a time in a butlons holiday camp where there was this old movie theater, i never forget my Grandad had Adopetd a runaway girl and she had came on holiday with us. i rember siting watching my grandad who liked younger girls and boy as i found out years later after my mum brock down and confesed to been sexualy melested as chiled by her dad. I watched him kiss her nex and sqweez her boobs. i rember hiding in the back corner as i could here the kids playing out side. i rember runing back to the shaly so freeked out as the girl was crying and telling my garndad the head or a Morman Church to stop. I ran back and hid.. I will be the first to admit when I was a kid I was bullied at school and I couldn't beat them. So i joined them. I did want to hurt them I wanted to kill them and burn them. I hated it. I was 13yrs old the first tme I tried to commit my self to death. "Suicide" and it was nothing to do with the music I had listened to, it was society, they created me, not Hitler, Charls Manson...... I know, lots of people where killed in school shooting's. But it's normally the cunt's and the bullies. Why should kids and other's kill ourselves just because we dont conform to society.
Which in turn led to a life in crime and drugs, music and death. I was always into old school gangster's the like's of Alcapone and the Kray's. I used to dream of robbing banks and killing my enemies in a slow and painfull way.
(I rember siting in R.E. and the teacher asking us to draw a pictuer of what we wanted to be when we grew up and who our hero's are. I drew a picture of a gangster choping of a womans head in a postoffice robery! I was 8yrs old at the time).
I always wanted to be a music maker. I started in metal and ended up in hiphop music as most white kids did in the 80's-90's.
But I wasnt content
with the like's
of the real roxann or LLCOOL'J.
I wanted gangster.
I wanted NWA, Ice-T. I wanted death and crime. I wanted evil, the more evil the better. I wanted Hitler and Charlie Manson. I wanted meurder. I was angry which mixed with where I lived put me in the front seat for car crime and robbery. Violence and other stupid shit that I do regret but it made me who i am now.
I havent always bn a wierdo!!!
A couple of years back I was into power lifting. I ended up working the doors in Essex and had a short stint in orginized crime. Working as a Debt Collector and protector. It was fun untill shit got bad and i was nealy killed, just for loving some one so much that her family did not want me as part of it.
And to you I must seem like a looper or just a another metal head fulled on hate and music!
But its not true, I have somthing to say and somthing to change. And i will do it! My fucking way.
And when it comes to fucking of god and the maget cunt's who worship this degenerit criminal, I like to do it with my middle finger fucking you in your lil christian asshole. And yes I am bitter and your fucking god cant fix what he created. Do you know the difference betwean me and the evangelical christian, i am in your fucking face and you can see me. i am a thret to you but under your fucking nose there is people teaching kids in churches in England to hate destroy people who are clased as pagans as thay call them devils. then look at the documentery "Jesus Camp" for fuck sake it's time some one like me stud tall and screamd at the world. WACKE THE FUCK UP.... P.S Fuck the devil to he is a christien consept... Now that is what Mnason missed. to truly fuck off the world hate all exept what yo can see. I can see the sun AND the moon i can see the earth.... and fuck the atheiast to...

My Interests


My sexy girlfrend Coop. I do surf. I am not the flower wearing hippy kind of surfer. I am more like "this is my beach my fucking break so dont fucking surf here!!LOCALS ONLY CUNT". I also run a paranormal investigation team GHOST HUNTERS TEAM UK and own a paranormal company
I love to go to gigs and fucking rawwkk out. I also skate when i get the chance and i love to free climbe.

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INFLUENCES AND POSSIBLE HERO'S... and be for you read this! I like what music I like! I dont conform to black metal only, or just thrash! My music and influnces vary!! DANNY FILTH, VARG, EMPORA, CHARLES MANSON, MARILON MANSON, HITLER, SEX PISTOL'S, MISFITS, B.L.S, NWA, METALLICA, WEDNESDAY 13, PANTERA, ELVIS, !Witchburner, Slayer, Viking Crown, Celtic Frost, Emmpero, Engrave London, Dark Funeral, Acid Bath, Combi Christ, Sabbit, Wolfthorn, Mayhem, Hellhammer, Amen, Zero, Black Thown ,Disorbed, Kriptic Korps, Subtill Death, Vinterskog, Archenamy, Static-x, Slipknot and many more. ........

The band lyrics have been strongly influenced by infamous death metal artists Mayhem and taken evil twists like the black circle without killing my band members. The music has taken on a twist of Deathstars, Cradle of Filth and it also has some very thrashy pit part's.

At the same time Marilyn Manson lyrics and an obsesion with Charles Manson seemed to effect me on a different level, struck a mental cord in mind firing out at Christ and his unholy wars and religious and political bullshit....... that needed to be addressed after the death of my bother in Iraq. I fired out at war, politics, the world and the church.

I seemed to have so much to say but no one was prepared to listen, it sank me deeper into a harder more violent stage in my music career. Hitting out with racial tendencies towards certain communities within the world. I started being influenced by Neo-Nazi groups and racial thrash metal bands.

After the death of my friend Sky, and a short stint in Costa Del Belmarsh, and plenty of time to sit and write song lyrics, I became a stronger more violent writer hiting out at nigger's and packies. Suidcide bombers and my want for death and leather mixed with my knowledge of Charles Manson and Hittler. I became the world's next big problem!!

I will cause shit and rub the vicker's face in it then shoot the cunt. So All these elements combined and me reuniting in Sunderland, The Priory was born...... The lyrics to the Priory music are not racist or evil.
They are the facts!
If I am screaming god is a suicide bomber then somthing in this fucked up world has mad me look at it like that. Or when I say I am the worst enemy the church could have I say this because I am a Pagan. I was born a Pagan and I always will be. I know the pagan community dont agree with what I do. Thay say that I will set them back to the buring times and wiccans fucking hate me. Tree huging fucking hippys!

My music is what it is, it's not just black metal, it's thrash, deathmetal and industrial. You can say what the fuck you want. I am a mucician. I make music. I am influenced by what is around me. I group around niggers and packies, so yes I listend to rap music. I dont any more and i havent since I was 13yrs old. And the truth is that I dont like nigger's I blame them for gun crime and rape and the fucked up way that I am. I would not have been in jail 3 times for robbery and assult if I hadn't of been listning to NWA saying FUCK THE POLICE and Ice-T TELLING ME TO LISTEN TO PUNK AND ROB SHOPS and kill my enemies. I wasnt influenced by death metal lyrics I thought that they were soft. Even death metal, it was one thing saying it, but a another doing it. Most metal and goth peolpe are soft as shit! I grew up on the streets, I'm a boxer, I've been to jail and I will break ya fucking teeth! But I admit black metal did influence me as I got older and understood the music. I listend to death metal/black metal and I wasnt no fucking wigga! I was me, a kidd growing up, looking at the world and notecing somthing that you can say "FUCK THE POLICE" to and they wont do shit. I was pushing my boundries as a kid, so when it comes to me ass fucking the world I will. My music style and aggression will make me not just known but fucking infamous.

My music is me it's what's in my head and heart.

I dont know if I am crazy or if I am twisted. Maybe it's because "i could stamp on some one's face and kill them whilst looking at there kid's" Or because i dont give a fuck what any body says. I dont care about living and i will one day die. Whether that will be by some deranged jesus worshiping kidy fucker... who can tell. I piss of every one and dont care. I like what i do. I like being a cunt!

So if you dont like like me then dont listen to me. Dont read more of this shit. Just stop!! Nut ya cant can ya. You want to see what I am gonna write next.
You want to see what you can complain about! What do you want me to say. That I am the next high school shooter. What, that I will burn crosses and kick fuck out of chaves and emo's. That I dont give a fuck what you think!

I AM JUST SO FUCKING BUZZING THAT I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE YOU READ THIS AND COMPLAIN! Thanx, hope you enjoy the next album, cunts!!! hahahahaha


Yeah, there good for throwing at police and shooting stuff at!

you dont see this every day! :S
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Book's ok I read way too much. Just to name one or two, all Alister Crowly books. I love all serial killer's and gangster books. I am well read on Pagan religion, Christianity and Catholicism I studied a lot of the 17th century witch trials.


.. I dont have one. No one has changed my life. No one has made it beter for me.

Apart from Hitler

Music Video - Rob Zombie - Dragula
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Cradle of Filth - Beneath the howling stars
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Sieg Hail!!
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