THE PRIORY profile picture


We are the sluts of Gluttony...

About Me

Caution: If easily offended please do not read any of the information displayed on this site. You have been warned fucker. For info on The Priory please email us at

The Priory Saints, “Think happy clapping evangelist knife fucking himself into a demented religious mental state."
We are the band the church loves to hate!! We are one of the only UK bands where you get a real fucking show. Everything from strippers to fire eating freaks and shot guns!!!.
The Priory was originally conceived in 2006 as a black metal-industrial thrash band, but this was too dark for what Debauchery Saint wanted. The band made some killer songs: Abigor, Athwaight Thy Plachnus, Frozen.
This was to be the start of what became The Priory. Rooted with its old School Spooky kids style, mixed with a Wednesday 13 vocal and not forgetting the sounds of punk, thrash and metal rattling and echoing in the vocals of the lead singer.
The Priory is an extremely offensive band and have in the past, had gigs banded by Christian organisations. The Bands stage shows has been witnessed and talked about in the press. The Priory's show contain's Act's of Debauchery, anti religion and Sex with the fucked up image's on screen behind the band. Defiantly not for the faint hearted!!! ha ha ha ha
The Priory's First demo 'Sluts of Gluttony' was banned from MySpace for its content and the webpage closed down resulting in the loss of over 19.000 members....
The band has gone through some changes over the last 2 years. It has seen 3 drummers, 2 lead guitars and keyboard. But now The Priory are really fucking tight as a 4 piece. With some new killer songs and a crazier more fucked up image than ever before. The band is ready to start gigging in the UK then world domination.
For information on our band members please go to their individual MySpace profiles. (Check our top friends: Debauchery Saint, Slaughter, Skin and Terror.)
(Caution the Priory Band members individual MySpace pages can be extremely offensive!!!)
The Band is currently working on the new demo Jesus Camp from there forthcoming Album Church of Rotting Faith. To be churned from the insides of small children sometime in the summer….

To Book The Priory 666 Please call RawRock Promotions on 07512227223

My Interests


Member Since: 11/8/2006
Band Members:

Debauchery Saint:

Mariyln Manson, Wednesday 13, Misfits, Frankenstein Drag Queens, Pantera, Ugly Kid Jo,Motley Crue, Hair metal, Glam, punk, Kitty and all 90s thrash


Real Lead Guitarists: Dime Bag (R.I.P.) Jimi Hendrix, Zack Wylde, Kerry King, Synyster Gates, Alexi Laiho, Kirk Hamet, Corey Beaulieu, to name a few.


Anyone who can rag the fuck out of a bass the way I do?.


Punk, Noise, Death Metal and Extreme Metal, Macabre, Vital Remains, Deviated Instinct, Serial Killers, The voices inside my head and the world for making me the well adjusted human being that I am today? AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

Sounds Like: WEDNESDAY 13, Marilyn Manson, ROB ZOMBIE, Frankenstein Drag Queens, BLACK LABLE SOCIETY style gutair on some trax, PANTERA style thrashy sound on some songs, STATIC X, KORN, PUNK'ISH and happy clapping evangelist knife fucking him self in to a demented religious mental state. we are the band the church love's to hate.
Record Label: Asylum13 Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Whats Going down in The Priory 666

Recording& So The Priory have had Jesus Camp on myspace for some time and people seam to love it. Well with the thanks to RawRock Management , We are now booked to start recording the full album. Wit...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 01:54:00 PST

Want the Priory in your MAG...

If you want The Priory in your mag then let us know by contacting our managment on our page from RawRock Entertainment and Promotions and we will be kind and send you a nice little press pack with no ...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:28:00 PST

Debut Album Church Of Rotting Faith out Sep, 23rd....

Church of  Rotting Faith The Debute album to be released through Asylum 13 Records this year. The date set for the release is Sep, 23rd 2008 The band will be gigging in the next two months befor...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:13:00 PST

The Priory Sign to ASYLUM13 RECORDS

Yes you fuckers heard it right...We are proud to be part of the twisted family which is Asylum 13 Records.After 6 years about 8 bands later we have done it. We signed with them on Thursday and hope to...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:09:00 PST

Insomnia Mag/Ezine X-posed

X-POSED dOWN LOAD IT now...... BAND: The Priory 666LOCATION: NewcastleLINE-UP: The Debauchery Saint vocals, Slaughter gutair. Skin Bass, Terror Drums and chainsawDESC...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:04:00 PST

DJ exclusive / bar fight&.. Almost&

DJ exclusive / bar fight&.. Almost& So where the Priory is shit will follow. So last night we went to a good Industrial Goth night at the Globe to here our DEMO Jesus Camp played to the masses for th...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 03:23:00 PST

We got in to the Asylum " NOT OUT"...

So we did it& we broke in to the asylum, what a fucking trip man. Although the place is fucking evil it was well sketchy with floors missing and the roof falling in. But what a photo shoot we got. We...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 03:20:00 PST


The Priory are going to change there name&.. The band had had a long road with this name and found it's not fitting the bill. The band and it's style have decided to re-name the group, some of the id...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 12:56:00 PST

Bracking into the Asylum....

Braking in to St marries asylum Yup you red it right TO night is the night we all die& So the van is packed we have to photogs with us and some fucked up shit& All we need is to brake the fuck into ...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:52:00 PST

We are back fuckers !!!!

Ok so the Priory hit rock bottom last year after a major brake up. We have regrouped with a new line up and we still have the original base player and lead Guitar. The band has gone through some shit ...
Posted by THE PRIORY on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:06:00 PST