Hey if you can be arsed to read this... well fucking done! It ain't gonna thrill you, make you cum,
get you high or any of that shit! It will merely give you a bit of an insight to my life.
Shit that I do:
* I run a METAL promotions company called UAG Promotions , currently working on a north-east metal festival called SCUMSTOCK!!!
* I play guitar is a stoner metal band called Zero , we are currently working on getting our next E.P. Rape, Pillage & Burn! to be realeased soon!* I'm a metal DJ playing at Resistance (Thursdays in The Borough).
* I skateboard and have done now for quite a few years, I used to run a skateboarding website (which is currently down until i can find a new server) called www.SkateTheUK.com, I occasionally put on skateboarding competitions and events, i do a lot of photography and video editing and am im the process of putting together another Skateboarding DVD.