The politics over the legalization of marijuana is something I will never understand and that is why we have people like Marc, Michelle and Greg who advocate profusely for all of us. I have great admiration and respect for the BC3.
*wink*.....what can I say about me? LOTS....Praying for the legalization of marijuana. I have been a pot smoker for over 28 years, knowing the so-called hidden dangers of it through the whispers of friends back in the late seventies. At that time the story was you would only live ten years after you started smoking it. I was 16 when I did start through how most of us start€peer pressure. The thing is, I enjoyed the euphoria, the giggles, the munchies, as I was a very stressed out underweight teen with high anxiety due to childhood abuse. So, I figured, what the hell. I will have to enjoy my last ten years......
I became well known to the City Police in my late teens as I had gone through a bad period in my life. They had seen me in all states of toxicity and would even admit that smoking pot was the better for me. I was never arrested for having pot on me and I managed to get back a quarter ounce from them one day.
I had been arrested the night before and left an eighth under the back seat of their cruiser. The next night I had seen the cruiser's number and flagged the car over. (A cruiser's number is usually recognizeable when a big cop slams your body into it.....face first.) The passenger side cop had his window down and when they had pulled over and stopped, I asked him if they found a bag of weed in the car from the night before.
He opened up the glove compartment, which was full of Baggies that had pot inside them all in different sizes and types and pulled one of the Baggies out. He held his forearm out the window and asked, Is this it? I just grabbed that bag as fast as I could and bolted. There was no thinking in that plan. I knew the alleyways well and managed to escape with my girlfriend in tow. However, they did not chase us.
I had put an eighth under the seat the night before and ended up with a quarter the next day. Very - cool. I had seen this cop a few weeks later and asked him why he didn't do anything about it and he said, that they know what I am like and they would prefer me to smoke pot if I was to do a drug.
Because I suffer from high anxiety which marijuana calms for me, I believe I should be allowed to smoke it without the grief the government gives us over it. To be able to go to a store, like a liquor store type theory, and purchase a bag of pot to take home, instead of having to sneak around and buy it. *sigh*........
All of my friends smoke pot and always have. We are now entering our forties and fifties. Lately I have been meeting more new friends who smoke pot that are my age or older. I like seeing this. It's nice to see the younger generation as well come out in support of their beliefs and keep up with the fight, but I am more impressed seeing the elders come out as they have been more suppressed with it, afraid of losing their job. As much as one is allowed to enjoy a drink when they come home from work one should be allowed to come home and smoke a joint and not worry about that knock at their door. I will never quit smoking marijuana. That is the choice I have made with my life and have always known since I was 16 years old. We all choose how we live our lives. I do not believe the government has the right to choose our lifestyles as they cannot handle their own or the lives of those they govern without making major major mistakes. I am powerless as an individual, but in unity we become stronger...... Myspace Contact Tables