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For our fighting heros ~ "They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary

About Me

I think I'm probably the most simple person you'll ever meet; no hidden agendas. I know what I know, I do what I do....and that's all there is to it. I am generally laid back and not hard to get along with. I'm a self-taught musician.

My Interests

Varies from time to time; music most of the time (playing and listening), sports, hiking, dancing, my quiet time…

I'd like to meet:

Supermodels are beautiful girls. A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you've been drinking Jack & Coke all morning. She can make you feel high, full of the single greatest commodity known to man ~ promise....promise of a better day, promise of a greater hope, promise of a new tomorrow. This particular aura can be found in the gate of a beautiful girl; in her smile, in her soul, and the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like it's going to be okay. Supermodels are bottled promise; scenes from a brand new day, hope dancing in stilletto heels. A beautiful girl is all powerful and that is as good as love.Sara Evans; Jacqueline Lord (talent trifecta; musician/ actress/model in no particular order), Marié Digby, Dan Fogelberg (whom I met once but only long enough to ask for his guitar picks. I would have liked to had a converation with him. Unfortunately he has passed away December 16th, 2007, from a 3 year bout with prostate cancer. He's simply the best lyricist ever.)


Rock, Country, Jazz, New Age Jazz, Swing. If it has a good beat or grabs me it can be anything... but I'm pretty sure it won't be (c)rap.


Beautiful Girls; Shawshank Redemption; Body Heat; Last of the Mohicans; Rollerball (the original);


Burn Notice; NCIS appeals to me because of my varied background; CSI (my sister is one), Smallville


Illusions, Running From Safety, LOTR trilogy, Robert B. Parker's 'Spenser' series, anything by Robert Ludlum, and the one my sister will write someday.


Mentor is better word I think; my sister Rebecca and my best friend, Helen. Without going into a lot of detail, they both have gone through A LOT in their few trips around the sun and the wisdom on their faces denies the number of their years. When dealing with one of life's setbacks, instead of adopting a "Why me?" attitude they adopt one of "I'm still standing." Their character is strong, their devotion to friends and family unshakable. I lived through a very terrible car accident when I was younger; parts of my face were "put back on". I believe I survived because I was meant to meet these two people. I know I'm a better person for having them in my life. They have helped make me who I am today....or lets just say I'm a work in progress...a piece of clay being molded by loving hands and warm hearts.

My Blog

10 things you dont really want to know about me

1.  I was in a really bad car accident when I was 17.  I think I mentioned somewhere in my profile that "parts of me had to be put back on".  To this day I still relive that accident in...
Posted by Dann on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:59:00 PST

3 cheers for this lady!

Here's one woman who is telling it like it is...in her opinion; written by a housewife from New Jersey. This is one pissed off lady."Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or w...
Posted by Dann on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:06:00 PST

Timing is everything.....

If timing is everything, somebody please buy me a new watch. Apparently when it comes to timing I'm still using a sun dial...and it was given to me by none other than Murphy himself.  Case in poi...
Posted by Dann on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:12:00 PST

On trial....

If you were on trial for being a patriot would there be enough evidence to convict you?During the parade do you stand when the American Flag passes? Do you remove your hat? Recently I was sent an imag...
Posted by Dann on Tue, 29 May 2007 11:01:00 PST

Unsyncopated Passion...

One of ocean, one of sky...     Alike, but different, and ever changing It is in reality's illusion that at horizons edge    they meet as one.  Yet face to face seem...
Posted by Dann on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:49:00 PST