The Crew Halloween 2006
Don't mess with GALACTIC GLAMAZONS evil power bottom!!
Galactic Glamazons protecting Ms. Minelli.
You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!
What Mixed Drink Are You?Wow that quiz was the MOST accurate of any I have ever taken!! I love drinkin' and drinkin' a lot is usually NOT a problem.
Funky/nasty/groovin' House Music (Hed Kandi shit, Twisted Disco, Disco Heaven, Beach House... etc) , Opera, Björk, Juanes, Beyonce, George Michael, Aishwarya.... on a RuPaul kick right now...:-D and there are others I'm sure... img src=""
Female Trouble (John Waters is the SHIT), Roger Rabbit, Frida, Saturday Night Fever, Sunset Boulevard, Batman Returns, Bride and Prejudice... I am a BIG NETFLIX JUNKIE... so there are many new ones. img src=" "height=287 width=356
Currently renting every episode of Star Trek Voyager from NetFlix. Yes, another part of me... I am a complete dweeb. Cable is off for the summer... it's a good thing. img src="" img src=" /seven/seven_of_nine_14.jpg"
So sad, pleasure reading is over for a while since I started grad school... oh well... one day Ill be able to sit on the beach and spend a summer chain reading, but for now it's text books... Faves are Deception Point, Charm School, Rule of Four, and Wicked.