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This is the area to put your text About yourself, your likes, etc. Feel free to replace this example text with your real info now.WOW about me huh? Well most of you know I play guitar. I also play piano-keyboards-bass-drums and vocals. I live for music I just love it! I have had a guitar since I was 14 and people always want to know what it was. Well it was a Kramer Striker 100st Blue and I still have my blue and black tiger stiped guitar strap from it lol. I now teach guitar again as I did in the early 90's. I love to teach it's one of those things I really enjoy doing. I use to be famous for my speed playing but now I have slowed down a lot! I had a nerve severed while learning new some take downs when I was a cop. So my hand hasn't been the same since. But I still rock as hard as I can and that will never change! Favorite music, 80's hair metal I love it! Well I guess for now that is it,but I will be doing more videos some so check back! Take care and always "KRANK TO 11"!!!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

God, and just say thanks, and "YOU ROCK"!!! Me a few years back in a guitar contest!
Add to My Profile | More Videos Me at home working on some over dubs
Add to My Profile | More Videos Just me again
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80's METAL!


Tombstone,Pure Country,Purple Rain,any Adam Sandler movie,all scary movies and comedies



My Blog

New music for the CD!

Last year while working with one of my old bands "White Chapel" I come up with the idea of a CONCEPT CD. Most of you know me as the Ripper so it is time to live up to the name!  The RIPPER ...
Posted by Greg on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:28:00 PST